I really have no idea what is wrong with me. I thought that I would be happy come today, but I'm really not. I don't know why I feel this way. I can't pinpoint what exactly made me feel like this. It could be a whole slew of things adding up, and just when I thought I was bored having nothing going on besides a class once a week, I feel so full of
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I am able to start writing in this since it definitely has been about a year lol. :) Junior year at fsoo was amazing. I rushed Alpha Phi Omega and loved it. I was voted VP of Membership for our pledge class. I love everyone that I met soo very much. Even though everyone is so totally different and diverse, it is so easy to fall in love with each
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Classification: Junior
This information is now updated instantly as you register for OR drop a class.
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It's been a while since I've written anything in here. [Summer reminded me :)] Lately I've just felt kind of blah. I think it's a mixture of missing my family and Josh. I haven't seen my family since Christmas break--so yeah
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I've only had one final so far, Bus. Stat on Tuesday morning--I think I did pretty well. Now, tomorrow I have 2, and Friday, 2 more. :( ORganic and Nutrition are scaring me...
I think I'll sleep instead of cramming info into my head.