5 YEARS AG0.....
July 2001
How old were you?: 14
Where did you go to school?: Lake
Where did you work??? I babysat alot
Where did you live? woodbury
Where did you hang out? Allison's house...all the time
How was your hair style?: short, plain
Did you wear braces?: I think I did actually
Did you wear glasses?: yuppers
Who was your best friend?: Allison
Who was your regular-person crush? Dan Kapernick
How many tattoos did you have?: 0
How many piercings did you have?: ears
What car did you drive?: I was 14
What was your favorite band/group: I think I was starting to get into Korn
What was your worst fear?: "Popular" Kids
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: nien
Had you driven yet?: ope
Had you been to a real party yet?: nope
Had your heart broken?: Boys didnt notice me back then
July 2006
How old are you?: 19
What grade are you in?: Sophmore in college
Where do you go to school?: UW-RF
Where do you work?: Unemployed
Where do you live?? woodbury and River Falls
Where do you hang out?: Woodbury and Eau Claire
How is your hair style?: side part bangs over my eyes
Do you have braces?: nope!
Do you wear glasses?: yes
Who is your best friend?: I now have many
Still talk to any of your old friends: Just recently actually
Who is your celebrity crush?: Orlando Bloom
How many piercings do you have?: 3
How many tattoos?: none yet
What kind of car do you have?: haha no car
What is your favorite band/group?: Oh dear..I am really into Keith Urban
What is your biggest fear?: being alone
Have you been to a real party?: a few
Has your heart been broken?: yup
Who is your current crush? Stelzig