My Vacation!!!

Mar 15, 2005 00:12

Yay I finished!!!

This is an EXTREMELY detailed account of my vacation lol. I’m cutting it up into days, just in case you’re just interested in the WB stuff. But I wrote it so detailed so I do not forget anything! This trip was amazing..and I’m depressed to be back home. I didn't write about the plane ride home, since I already did that.

We left around 3:15 and got to Newark I guess 3:30 ish. Her parents walked us all the way to security and her dad convinced me not to check my bag because he travels all the time and he said that it would be fine.

So we were waiting, and waiting, and squeeing, and getting excited as we waited some more. So then it was getting late and we still hadn’t boarded, and the plane was supposed to leave at 5:20 and it’s 5:00 and we’re sitting there. So anyway, we are told that the plane was completely full so they’d be boarding by rows, and also that they’d have to check our bags. Great. I felt like Greg Focker in Meet the Parents. So I sat in the middle and the guy next to me was really hot and I think an Australian accent…yum.

We didn’t take off until 6:10! But we made up for time in the air. The movie was Bridget Jones 2, but I’ve seen it already. The music thing on the headphones had a Broadway station, and “If I were a Rich Man” came on, which is when it occurred to us that I should have put “DYLM” on the CD but I’m dumb..

Basically the entire flight we were excited and freaking out except for the hour we both slept.

We landed at about 8:30 PST - 11:30 our time, and met up with my Aunt Jean. And the baggage claim belt broke, so the guy was going in and taking them out one at a time lol. Crazy.

We walked outside, and OH.MY.GOD. HEATWAVE! She told us it was chilly, we thought we should go to the beach. I think it was upper 50s, but for us anything about 30 degrees is hot.

So we came back here, chillin, and we’re sharing a bed lol…cuddlin!

10:31 - goodnight!

I woke up at 6 am to Bandit jumping on the bed, lying on my leg. I just kept saying, “Please don’t lick my face.” After I fell back asleep and woke up a few more times, I got up at 8 because I’m so used to getting up early…plus it was 11 am my time.

We were watching tv and all of a sudden Bandit starts growling at us like crazy. It was so scary but we couldn’t stop laughing. Then…lightbulb…he had to pee.

My aunt came back at around 11, and we hit the town! She took us all over San Diego. Yo, gas prices are CRAZY. My god…it’s like, 60 cents more for you guys! Lord. And haha…you have to pump it yourselves. We went to the Seaport Village and she wanted to take us to the top, 40th floor of the building, but the elevator button wouldn’t push. So then, with the other people in the elevator, we switched elevators but that wouldn’t work either. So we started going floor by floor lol. So then we were at floor 29, and some guys got in and they told us that you can’t go before 3:00, and they didn’t have a key for us. We ate at this little place with GREAT onion rings lol. Seriously. Our waiter was so nice, and then there was one of those guys who psychotically fills your water glasses, and he seriously filled it a centimeter. The restaurant was like the one in 50 First Dates.

We went to The Del Coronado, which is a rich famous hotel. The people kept looking at us like we didn’t belong lol. While we were there we made sure to go to the beach across the street and touch the Pacific Ocean. And we picked up some shells.

We were trying to kill time before dinner, so we went to Balboa Park. We saw a crazy woman singing Opera and a man playing guitar with his feet. Oh, and we saw some flower garden, but I can’t smell flowers so it didn’t matter to me. Yeah…isn’t that weird?

So then we went to Old Town, which is like Mexican village. While waiting we told my aunt all about Gilmore Girls and caught her up with 5 years of the show. We are at the same place we did 3 years ago, had a psychotically peppy waitress (think Stepford) and I met Robert! (Aunt Jean’s bf) He has a southern accent, is a sheriff, and is an Episcopalian priest lol. I was the first family member to meet him, so that’s exciting. He’s very nice, and he’s trying to set me up with his 23 year old son Ian who goes to school in San Francisco.

Anyway, dinner was fun and we even had North/South Jersey battles which is always hilarious. Because my aunt and I say, “Draw” not “drawer” and “Nork” not “Newark.”

So then we came home and tried to get in contact with Uncle Ed but his cell was being really weird. But we did talk and he’s dropping us off at the zoo tomorrow.

So then we got our crowns and watched 514-516 of GG. That’s after we spent a LONG time trying to hook up the VCR(s). My aunt got all excited and into it. She said she’s gonna watch it now lol. I love it.

The time difference started to catch up with us at about 3:00 when we just kind of passed out in the car at the same time.

Ok…very tired. Bed now. Goodnight! 11:59!

Day 3

Last night Sarah and I were just lying in bed giggling for a really long time lol. But then I just passed out because I was so tired it was ridiculous. But of course I woke up a few times, and Bandit jumped on the bed.

So we got up at 8:40 and since we’re now adjusted, it was REALLY hard for us to get up.

So after I showered and ate I went online and emailed Audi and Heather and got caught up with lj by basically emailing myself every link with icons for the past 150 entries without even looking at them. But I was running really late so at 9:50 when I finally finished I was rushing like hell to be ready.

Uncle Ed picked us up at 10:00 on the dot, of course, and took us to the zoo. He renewed his membership so we got in for free! So he dropped us off and we were on our way. We basically saw EVERYTHING. Including a guy that looked like Napoleon Dynamite. And we got ice cream. And we were wearing T-SHIRTS! OMG! IT’S SO HOT! It’s AMAZING. And of course in NJ today it was 55º, but oh well. And it’s gonna be 78º in LA on my bday! That’s amazing! I mean, for the first time ever it won’t be 30!

So yeah, we saw everything. And we were crazy tired and thought we were gonna pass out. The food was insanely expensive, but that’s okay since we got in for free. I bought a stuffed Rhino that my aunt named Fenton.

So while we were waiting for her to pick us up I saw Napoleon again! And I was running after him so I could take a pic.

BTW - Julia, I got a pic of the SAP!

Oh but the best part, was the split path. On one side: “Steep Path.” The other side, “Very steep Path.” Lmao it cracked us up for the entire week.

So anyway we came back and went online while we were exhausted as all hell. Got ourselves caught up with livejournal and ff and out mail, and I started to email myself my pictures so I can delete them off my camera to have ALL the possible space I can have for Wed. and Thurs. But STUPID dialup. It takes 15 minutes to send 6 pics. Slow and steady wins the race! Hah Hina.

So at 6:00 we went to Chili’s and after that we went to Urban Outfitters because my aunt has the “New Jersey. Only the strong survive” t shirt and we wanted to get them. And maybe the CA one. We found it amusing that we go to the other side of the country and yet we buy NJ shirts lol. But they were sold out, so sad. So instead she made us try on a bunch of shirts, and she bought Sarah a t shirt and me a pretty tank top! I love her so much I’m gonna be crying when I leave. When she left after visiting over the summer I was hysterical.

Something amusing. The parking garage went by vegetables…

So we came back here and Sarah signed onto AOL, and hilarity ensued. There’s one keyboard, 2 mice (one wireless), 2 chairs, and we’re both talking to people and doing stuff. I was talking to Heather, she was talking to Tom, Josh, and Lorraine. And we’re doing 1,000 things at once and it was just hilarious.

So then we came out here to where I’m sitting writing this to watch The Inferno 2 premiere! Oh man…I love that show. This season is gonna ROCK! Then - Whose Line…and now, I dunno.

Tomorrow we’re going to the Real World House. I’m soooo nervous to drive on the infamous scary CA freeway. So after that maybe we’ll go see The Pacifier. Not sure yet.

But we’re uber excited about tomorrow! We have to forget that the ocean is to the west and think like East Coasters! From 5-8 we’re gonna be going crazy! Sarah refuses to let me check ff to read about the teaser or anything. At 5:00 we’ll be calling Heather saying, “OMG it’s airing right now! And we’re not watching it!” She’ll be on the plane so it’s gonna be voicemail galore. Plus, we’ll be calling her during the show on commercials freaking out. It’s gonna be great.

Day Four

So I woke up at 7:30, because I’m crazy. So I showered, ate, and talked about doing eHarmony with my aunt lol. I made her laugh with my “20 year dry spell” joke.

We went online for a bit, and seriously, it’s hilarious with both of us on at the same time.

So after I spent about 45 minutes looking for my pen and going crazy, we got our directions and left.

Haha Sarah took a pic of me driving - my first time out of state! So I was crusing on the freeway, and wow CA highways are scary! So many exit lanes..but I rocked the house. So we got a little lost because we were driving on the coast and if we made a right like we were supposed to we would have been in the ocean. So we turned around and got directions at the Rite Aid. So we were trying to get to Nimitz and/or Rosecrantz to lead us to North Harbor. And my God, it was like driving up a 90º angle the streets were so steep!

So we’re driving, we go past the airport, and nothing. We wound up in Seaport Village, so we parked and got food. I talked to my mom who told me it was snowing, and freezing, and windy and I laughed, because we were eating outside in t shirts. So we were frantically searching for the bathrooms, running around like crazy lol. Funny stuff. There was this cat store, and we were like, “It’s the Chat Club!” so I took a pic. And um…oooo pirates singing! And they saw me try to take a pic, so them and the crowd made us take the pic with them.

So we got some ice cream, ate it OUTSIDE, and left. And of course, we got a little lost in my aunt’s small little neighborhood. But we got back fine, and we saw a hilarious street sign that said “Connecticut” with an arrow so we took a pic of that.

We pretty much passed out on the couch for a while then. Bandit was growling again.

So then we went for a nice long walk. My God I need to live here. The sun, the weather, it was glorious.

We came back around 4, went online, did our weird communication thing, and I finally got AIM and MSN working! My aunt ordered pizza and at 5 we made our first frantic call to Heather. “It’s 5:00 and we’re so tempted to read the teaser!” Sarah’s good, but I was going insane. And Audi goes like this: “Ugh. I just read the teaser.” LMAO great.

So then, between pic sending, I was talking to Audi and I had a 15 minute “tell me! No don’t tell me!” battle, but I didn’t let temptation get the best of me.

So we watched 516, called her again, and we were flipping out. Took some pics, and watched PF. We called her on commercials, and OH MAN hilarity. My aunt’s all into it now lol. And for my review of the ep - short one right now - I LOVE Kirk, I LOVE L/L with all my heart, and I DESPISE Emily. I really hate her. Luke was brilliant at the end. Oy what a bitch.

So then we sent pics, went online, talked to people, blah, talked to Heather.

Now it’s 11:11, and we have to get up at 4:15 and I’m EXHAUSTED.

I got up this morning at 4:15. Oy. No sleep for me! (said in my best Soup Nazi voice) Seriously, I’m pumped. We got all ready, giggled, went psychotic. And got in the car at 5:13.

We waited inside the station for a while, and my aunt and I fought with Sarah over how to say, “Newark,” and at about 6:00 we hugged goodbye and got on the train!

It’s 6:42 right now and we’re sitting on the upper level. Sarah’s sleeping, but I’m pumped! Well, a little tired, but whatever. So while I’m sitting here I’ll write my GG review.

At first we felt bad for Emily. She was so sad. And then…omg I wanted to punch her. I think we actually gasped. She called him dirty! And Richard was mean too! Bastards!

The teaser was cute. Not what I expected at all, but cute. I thought Lorelai said, “crazy in love too” but other people said she says, “the crazy need love too” so I’ll have to rewatch it. Kirk is hilarious, I love him so much. I can’t imagine the show without him. The Kirk/Luke talk was so funny. I really want him to get married and for Luke to be his best man.

I was happy Rory didn’t leave with Logan. He can’t have what he wants just because he says so. Robert was kind of weird though.

When Lorelai said she needed a new dress I thought of the “I do however know what dress I’ll be wearing” line from season 1. I thought the start of the date was SO adorable. It was exactly like WITS. And when he put his arm around her SO cute! Aww… And in the car, she was saying all that stuff, talking as herself, and his “you bet…” Oh man.

Now…when Emily came to the diner. Holy Crap.

Luke was brilliant in doing that with his cell phone. BRILLIANT. And I really thought Lorelai was gonna slap her when she came inside the diner. I felt so bad for them, and Emily, go to hell. You don’t deserve Lorelai’s forgiveness. I hope she never goes back to FND again…

Okay now it’s 7:01 and we’re at Oceanside Station. I think I’m gonna try and nap.

So this old couple sat next to us on the train and they were so cute. And then all of a sudden, we stopped for like 10 minutes. And I was freaking out so Sarah told me to calm down and eventually we started moving again. But the rest of the time there were 10 more random 5-10 minute stops because of debris or something. So I called Heather and told her we were still on the train and I was freaking out. So finally we got there, and we were in running position to get off the train. By now it’s like 9:20 and we’re freaking out. So we start running as fast as we can and we run up the escalators and outside, and there’s no cabs! So we run back down and we asked the security guard, and she told us the cabs were on the other side of the station. So we’re running at full speed again and after some more trial and errors we found the cabs, waited in line, and we got the green mini van cab lol.

The entire time we’re freaking out that we won’t make it on time. So Heather called us and told us that they were in Gate 3. So the driver starts to go in to the main entrance and we’re like, “Can we go to Gate 3?” and the security guard was like, “You have to go in there!” So we paid the *gasp* $40, jumped out of the cab and we were RUNNING across the street . Now at the point, my bladder was also about to burst. So we’re looking for them, and Heather starts walking in her SH shirt and we’re like, “That’s her!” We really didn’t even get a chance to talk. We threw out bags in their car and ran to the bathroom. Now it’s about 9:57, so we had 3 minutes and I walked up to confirm our tickets. So then we were finally able to sit down and talk before 10:30. So the guy comes to take us across the street, and standing on the corner right next to us is Kathleen Wilhoite (who played Chloe on ER and Liz on GG) talking to Abraham Benrubi who plays Jerry the desk clerk on ER. So we went in and whatever, and they took us to the gift shop place to see the movie. And everyone kept laughing at our SH shirts, and were like, “Oh GG.” And during the movie they showed, “Stella!!!” and we were giggling and going nuts. Also, they were showing Harry Potter in several languages, and the last one was Hebrew, and the only thing Harry said was “Shalom.” And the way he said it, lmao it was hilarious.

So after that we got in the carts to go to the museum, passed by some *gasp* Lois and Clark sets, and we took our Dukes of Hazzard pic. So then we were looking at the actual foosball table, Pat the dog, the recliner, the “Six of One” script, the finale scripts, the Rangers Jersey and Chandler shirt, Monica’s door, the table and chairs from her apartment, the mugs on the wall, Monica’s clothes from TOW The Pediatrician, Rachel’s clothes from TOW Rachel Goes Back to Work, Phoebe’s clothes from TOW Monica’s Boots, and some of the guys’ clothes I didn’t recognize from a specific episode. Also, Monica and Chandler’s wedding invitation, the “ball,” Science Boy magazine, M&C’s wedding vows and their wedding picture, the bracelet from TOW The Prom Video, the brown bird cookies, monkeyshine beer, the Fizz drink, Emma’s sonogram and bracelet, the Geller Cup, M&C’s engagement and wedding rings, Phoebe’s porn movie “Buffay the Vampire Layer,” the “Be Your Own Windkeeper” book, Ross’s ID tag at the museum, his list of 5 people he can sleep with, and Joey’s stethoscope from DOOL. *deep breath* So needless to say, I was hyperventilating. There was also a Superman and Lois costume (which I just had to touch…come on…Dean Cain’s cape!) and some clothes from other shows. And upstairs was Harry Potter stuff, and I was sorted into Hufflepuff. There was also Rory’s Chilton Uniform, a Lorelai’s outfit, some Full House clothes and a collage of pictures, Steve Urkel’s clothes, etc.

So after that we got back in the cart and we went to the sound place. But on the way we saw The Friends Stage (24!) (squee!). So we went inside and they were fixing sound on the a Malcolm in the Middle episode and then Dean (our guide) told us that Gwenth Paltrow was dubbing her voice for a movie in the room next to us. So from there we went to this place where they do sound effects, and we were killing ourselves because we spent like 10 minutes watching them put in footsteps for a new show “Eyes.” But we got inside there too. And Mr. Annoying on our tour asked like 50 questions.

So then he tells us he’s taking us to see props, and it will be worth it and to get my camera. So we go through the door, and I saw Central Perk, and I almost died right then and there. And since it was the Deluxe Tour we got our pics taken on the couch, and we went all through the entire set! My god it was amazing. And then Dean’s like, “Here’s some Friends Trivia. Who worked behind that counter for 10 years?” And I said, “Gunther.” “Ok, well here’s a question for a real fan. What’s the actor’s name?” And I said, “James Michael Tyler.” And Dean said, “Wow. That’s the first time anyone ever knew the answer to that question! Do you know how he got the job?” “Because he was the only one who could work the espresso machine!” Haha I impressed him, and everyone was laughing at me.

So then we saw some other props, which was cool, but we wanted to leave lol. So then he was like, “Let’s see something Gilmore Girls before lunch,” and we went to Emily and Richard’s house. SO COOL. Heather kept saying, “Ring the doorbell!” but I couldn’t find it lol…I was in too much shock or something. So inside the sound stage was the exterior of the house, with barely enough room for a car and the backdrop for the houses across the street. And we went inside all the room, saw some floor markings. We touched all the chairs, pictures, EVERYTHING! There are two pictures of Lorelai and Rory on the table. We went inside Richard’s office, and it was just surreal. Oh and spoiler alert! Still only 3 place settings at dinner! And we took some candies out of the jar on the piano. The house is SO SMALL. It’s ridiculous. It’s amazing how they make it look so big on tv. Outside the house was some crapass patio furniture. Also in this studio, right next to the house, was the inside of the Twickham house, which was in a round shape. There were the statues or “dioramas” of a caveman, a hippie, and a cowboy, and others I can’t remember. So we looked at that for a minute and left.

So then we went to lunch, and apparently all the stars always eat there. This is where Dean told us he’s friends with Melissa McCarthy and if she was there he’d get her to talk to us, but they were on location. So we’re sitting and eating, and we’re like, “Can you tell us anything about Gilmore Girls?” and he said, “Well we’ll see if Luke and Lorelai get married by the end of the season.” And we all looked at each other and we freaked out and were like, “WHAT?!” And he said, “Well when the chuppah moves we’ll know it’s coming.” He also told us that we shouldn’t worry about season 6, because it’s gonna happen.

So then a girl in our group was like, “Hey. Shane West is outside.” And I’m like, “What?! Where!?” And I look outside and he’s standing there with the red head guy from ER. I can never remember his name! So I was like, “We have to go out there…” So I said I was gonna go to the bathroom, which was outside in another building, and I convinced Heather and Sarah to go with me. And I couldn’t stop laughing, and they were like, “You have to stop before we go outside!” So the three of us put on straight faces and walked right past them, and holy shit, he’s so godamn hot. So then we started laughing because we couldn’t believe it, and on the way back they were inside the cafeteria and then Shane left with Parminder Nagra, the girl who plays Neela. We also saw Mekhi Phifer sitting eating.

So we were sitting on the bench and I said, “Hey isn’t that Lois’s apartment? And the brownstone they moved into after they got married?!” And Dean said, “Geez you should give this tour. You only have to go through half the training because you know everything.” Hee! My pleasure! It’s also Luke and Nicole’s townhouse.

So after lunch we went to the Dragonfly! We were realy confused at first, because this means that the R&R scenes when Kirk is running and when they actually kiss is either at the house, or the kiss was at the soundstage and the Kirk running part was at the Walton House lol. But anyway, we were like, “Ooo right here! The kiss!” So we went inside, and on the planner thing on her desk it had Michel’s lines from 515 about hearing a bang! So then we went throughout the whole thing and in the kitchen Heather and I were like, “That’s where he puts his hand on her stomach!” We saw some markers on the floor too. The lobby area is SO SMALL. Seriously, I don’t know how they fit in there. And there was a pantry set up with cameras, and Dean told us they were shooting in there.

We also got to go to the interior of Lorelai’s house. But we couldn’t go inside because it was a hot set. But seriously, Rory’s bed is SO SMALL. I don’t know how she and Dean fit…*shudder*

We were sad to leave, but after that we went to see a lot more prop crap. Just tons of photos, and props, and the making of the props, and the movies they rent out, etc.

Then he took us to the set for “Two and ½ Men.” I would have loved to see the Joey set, but they were rehearsing. Dean told us about all the crap, but we were jut anxious to see the backlot.

At one point, I can’t remember when, he drove by the main entrance to the WB, and he said, “Judy Garland came right through here when she came to film “A Star is Born” and we started cracking up.

We were back in the cart, and we went by the West Wing White House, and also the building they used as the airport in SGTDM, and also as Star Labs in Lois & Clark! So then he let us take out our cameras, which could only mean it was time for the backlot! So we saw Chris’s house, which is the Joey Production Office, and he kept driving around and we went to the Pond/Swamp place used in Stars Hollow. There was a boat there, but no bridge. I also think that it was used as a set in Lois & Clark. Also, the little shack there was Lorelai and Rory’s first home! That’s also a set from Million Dollar Baby.

So finally, we went to Stars Hollow. I was taking pictures like crazy, of practically every house in sight. And it’s a good thing I was taking pictures of the area we didn’t get to walk around at. I got a picture of the Chat Club and of JoJo’s Restaurant! And also Weston’s Bakery, the video arcade, and tons of other things. So we got off and he pointed out all the houses - the Growing Pains house, Kims Antiques (Which is also Monica & Ross’s parent’s house), the Twickham house, Dean’s house, Lane’s apartment, Sookie’s house, etc. I took a video and Dean was like, “la la la la la. Gilmore Girls music!” Then we went through Sookie’s garage, saw the boat, and then we were there! The chuppah! The car! And it was the one with a California license plate. So Heather then told me that there was a script in the car on the passenger seat. And the door was open! So she opens it a little, and tried to read it. And I looked in the window and started reading it as fast as I could, but it wasn’t anything new. It was the garage scene from 517. So then we got some pics of us on Lorelai’s steps, and we were being so rushed. Dean told us he was gonna lock us in the garage! Fine by us! But the house lawn was all blocked off, so I don’t know how they make it seem like she’s driving up. I think it was anyway. I also saw Babette’s house but the sun was right there, so I didn’t get a good picture of it.

So then it was Stars Hollow time! We ran up into the gazebo and we took pics, and I was running around taking pics of everything. Seriously, everything, including the traffic light, and the clock that they used in Friends posters. So then he’s like, “Let’s go to Luke’s!” *insert extreme excitement* We went in and it was surreal. I took pictures of all the tables and of the mugs, and of the sink in his kitchen, and inside the menu (which btw, has crazy prices), and what else…just everything. I looked for the order that his dad took on the side of the counter, but it wasn’t there …so sad. Oh and then Dean said, “Hey look at that patched up hole in the window! Something must happen between Luke and Taylor. Hint hint. Wink Wink.”

He made us leave, so sad…but it was okay. Then we saw Miss Patty’s, and the park, which is also where Ross plays Rugby. And there was a swing set next to it.

We also saw the bush, corner thing from A Messenger Nothing More, and Rory’s study tree which is Central Perk in Friends in TOW Phoebe Runs.

We saw some ER stuff, and they were putting up snow. It’s made of a plastic bag or something and mixed with some substance, and he gave us some. So I saw the ER alleyway, and the ambulances and everything, which was cool.

Then we went to some movie sets. We saw a lot of where they shot Spiderman, and we got to walk through the Annie orphanage! And um what else…where they shot the Godzilla scene in Austin Powers, and a few Lois and Clark buildings. It was so sad to leave, but then they took us to the gift shop, which had nothing but crap, and we left.

So we had to find the hotel, and Heather’s dad called up for directions. So we finally got there and after we checked in I was like, “Hi. I don’t know if you can tell me this information, but did an English girl named Vicky or a German girl named Anja check in today?” And they didn’t lol. So we went up to my room, and then we all went to dinner to some Italian place. I can’t remember the name of it, but we’re sitting there and this piano guy started playing all these Disney songs at like, full speed. And then Heather says to me, “Hey. Jennie Garth is at the table next to us.” And I’m like, “What?!” I don’t know if she’s married, but she was with a guy and two little girls who were adorable by the way! There was valet parking there, and omg it was hilarious. The guy seriously moved the car 1 foot. We couldn’t stop laughing for a really long time because he backed it up a FOOT! And he had to tip the guy for that! Heather also joked about the hobo walking across the street that we almost hit. That was funny lol…we’re mean. And we kept seeing the Big!Lots which of course made us think of poor Sad!Luke!

So then her dad took us to Blockbuster so he could rent a VCR so we could watch Pulp Friction, but they don’t rent them out anymore. So he took us to Target and bought her one, and while I was there I got Friends Season 9 because it came out on Tuesday and it was really cheap. So then we went back to our room, and we asked the people if they had checked in yet but they kept laughing at us. So then we went upstairs and her dad kept trying to hook it up but it wouldn’t work. So then we were wearing our crowns, and were making our “grow a prince in 72 hours” thing work, so we went downstairs to get batteries and to see if they checked in yet, while wearing our crowns mind you. So the gift shop was closed, and we went back up unsuccessful.

So then the phone rings, and it’s the desk clerk and she’s like, “They’re here! Hang on!” So then a girl starts talking and she’s like, “Hi I’m not one of them! But this is Vicky’s friend Sarah and we’re starving so do you want to go out?!” And so we decided to go to Universal’s Citywalk, and Sarah’s like, “Ok we’re coming up!” So then my dad called, and I’m like, “I can’t talk!!!” And I opened the door and the three of them are standing there like, “HI!!!” And I’m telling my dad that I have to go and it was just chaotic!

So then we left and went to Citywalk, because Vicky needed food, but everything was closed. And then Michelle called me at midnight EST to wish me a Happy Birthday! Yay!!! I love her! BSBFF!

So then we found an open spot and we basically just sat and talked about Gilmore Girls, and Lois and Clark. And wow, that was incredible. They were laughing at us as we talked about Lois and Clark, but it was the first time in my life I COULD talk about it with someone who actually watches it! And we just had so much fun talking GG…and wow. Yeah it was amazing. And it turns out that Sarah #2 had PMed me about Lois and Clark a few months ago, and I didn’t know it was her! Weird! And then she told us that they were shooting in the morning, so I didn’t have to call Gen. And she also gave us Yale coffee cups!!! Souvenirs! But then it was time to leave…so sad.

So we’re back at the hotel and it’s like, 1 am, and I’m getting ready for bed and all of a sudden I got REALLY sick. My throat was on fire, and I was hacking and coughing, and Sarah was trying to sleep, and I felt really bad, but I couldn’t breathe. And then I had a fight with the curtain and went to bed.

So this morning I woke up at 7:20 and got ready to go. And this hotel disappointed me. Lack of soap and shampoo people! So I went and ate while Sarah got ready and I called my dad and told him for the 100th time that they weren’t 82 year old molestors. Then he hung up and called me back a minute later to wish me a happy birthday…aww.

So I went back and we got our stuff together and checked out, and Vicky and Anja weren’t there so Heather calls me and was like, “Hey the 10:00 is already sold out, so hurry up!” So finally they got there, and it took forever to get to the studio, so they bought our tickets for us to the 11:30 tour. Finally we got there and they were sold out for the day. So thank God they bought them.

So we were sitting there talking and the guy who takes people over to the studio starts talking to us. And he says, “Wanna know the truth? Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson don’t get along at all.” I was like, “*gasp* That’s like the Friends not being friends!” He went on to say that it’s not hate, but whatever. So then we asked him if he could tell us any spoilers. And he said, “Well you saw the episode with Emily locked in…” And I’m like, “NO!” And he saw that he was giving away spoilers and he said, “Oh I can’t really tell you.” And then, it clicked. “Wait. Is Emily locked in a pantry?” And he’s like, “I can’t tell…” And I said, “Please! It’s my birthday!” And so he said, “Yeah. The episode aired a month ago but they cut out the entire story.” So…*thinking cap*….he’s just covering up, because he’s not supposed to tell us anything, and they still had the pantry set up, and well, it just makes sense.

So then it was like 10:00 and we went into the WB lot again, and we had to sit at the crappy gift shop forever, and we saw a girl from Texas who was on our tour yesterday. And she said, “Oh I went today again too. And the tour was crappy. Our guide didn’t take us anywhere we wanted to go.” And so then we went inside the girl shop and they had the Friends ep TOW The List on so I was seriously reciting it…I think they just had the DVDs on…and they were seeing how much I knew.

So at 10:30 we went in to see the movie again and our tour guide was Andrew - aka the Jackass. And haha, Hina called me to wish me a happy bday during the ep. Anyway, he told us that he’s into the technical stuff so that’s what he was gonna show us, which pissed us off. So he took us to the museum, we took the Dukes of Hazzard pic again. So once again took in everything, and they were testing me to see how long it took to name the Friends ep on the big montage thing. Haha so sad I am. So then we finally got back on the tram, and Vicky, Heather, and I sat in the front row and we asked him very politely if we could see as much Gilmore Girls as possible. And he said, “We’ll see. You’ll have plenty of time on the backlot.”

We passed by Keiko Agena’s car and it was this old beat up thing, which gave us a laugh. Plus, it’s far away from everyone else’s. Oh, and David Sutcliffe has his own spot. And then he gets a call saying that Stage 18 is a no go, which is The Dragonfly, because they were filming. And the entire tour we did not even see it in the distance. It like went from Stage 16-Stage 30 with no Stage 18 in the middle. So weird…like aisle 13 in the supermarket. Or in Wayside School!!! lol

From there we went to the “Two and ½ Men” set again. We had to sit through the whole lecture again and we were going crazy, and kept checking our watches. Finally we left that damn place, and we drove by the Gilmore cars again, and all the spots were taken.

So then he’s like, “I’m gonna take you to Stage 14. Wait, I’ll take you to Stage 12 first.” Stage 12 is the grandparent’s house, and Stage 14 is Yale, which we didn’t see the first day. Instead of looking around, he took us right inside to the outside and showed us “how to do a scene.” He said, “I know we have tons of Gilmore Girls fans here but I’m gonna use someone who’s not a fan.” Jackass. So he picked this guy to play Luke, and then Sarah for Lorelai. Heather and I were “lights” and we kept roaming around so we could sit on all the benches lol. Babette’s tour group was in the dining room, and we were so tempted to jump on in with them. He took us back to Richard’s study, and said you can figure out a character by their room. And then he didn’t take us to Yale! Instead he took us to the stupid West Wing “off white” house for the 100th time.

We drove to the pond/swamp thing again, and he told us that through the path was where they shot the Rennaissaince Fair, so I took a pic.

So after that we were finally going to the backlot. So we got out the cameras, and he drove us through Stars Hollow SO FAST and he said we couldn’t get out and walk around because they were going to be filming. I felt SO BAD for Anja because she came from Germany and didn’t get to see anything!

So then he drops us off back at the gift shop and I had timed the tour. 1 hour and 55 minutes…not 2 hours and 15 minutes. We were all standing there really pissed off, when all of a sudden….

The guy who took us from the parking garage to the start of the tour YESTERDAY came by and saw us! And he said, “Hey Stars Hollow girls! How was the tour?” And we said it sucked, we didn’t get to see anything, and Andrew deliberately didn’t take us to what we wanted to see. And he was shocked! He said, “Hop on. That’s just not right!” And he gave us a PRIVATE TOUR! He said, “Hide your cameras I can get fired for this!” And omg…he took us to Stars Hollow and said, “You have 5 minutes,” and of course Josh called me when I was getting my camera. So we were running around like crazy. There were people inside Doose’s setting up for the next day I guess. And the Soda Shoppe was also open. But we couldn’t go into Luke’s because it was a hot set. And he also said, “If you see Jennifer Graham you can’t scream!” lol. And we went back to Lorelai’s house and there was guy watering the plants. And he wasn’t supposed to, but he let us take pictures of the old and new Batmobiles and Mr. Freeze’s car.

So after that we decided to go to the Colorado Café, where they shot an episode of Lois and Clark, and I was talking to Sarah 2 on the phone about directions, but she started talking about cell phone service or something lol. So finally we got there, but it was the wrong one! But we ate there anyway. And Sarah met us there and she brought these two big scrapbooks: one of Lois and Clark and one of Gilmore Girls, which were SO COOL. And also the scripts for the GG pilot, Love, Daisies, and Troubadours, and The Lorelai’s First Day at Chilton. And in the pilot the original line was, “Angel. You’re a godamn angel!” And in ½ of it the name was Duke, because they didn’t change all of them.

So then we all sat and talked for a long time and got directions to Union Station. So Anja was driving with me, Sarah 1, and Sarah 2 in the backseat, and Vicky in the front, and holy crap it was hilarious. Heather and her dad were following us, and Sarah 2 was yelling out the window, “Can someone give us directions?!” We got lost a few times and everything was crazy. It was during this car ride that she told me her idea about ILYs in the finale, and I have to say I agree. Though I go back and forth with that everyday. So we got off that exit and we were in downtown LA, and we had no idea where we were going. So then we saw a train and we were literally following the tracks. It was so funny, we were laughing hysterically. So we found the station (VICTORY! Sorry lmao) and Anja drove into the parking deck but that’s not where she was supposed to be so we were turning around and it’s boring to write about but it was hilarious.

So then they dropped us off, and we all hugged and said goodbye. It was so sad. Messages to everyone:

Heather: You rock! I had so much fun with you and your dad and I couldn’t have had more fun with anyone else on this tour. And I already got my plane ticket to Tampa to visit you! *hug* I miss you!!!

Vicky: Haha I love your accent. I had so much fun talking about GG and of course, LOIS AND CLARK. For the first time ever! You are so cool and next time I’m in England we’re hanging out, or the next time you’re in NYC.

Anja: Haha your driving skills impressed me. You’re SO quiet! Luckily you’re not quiet like that online lol! You’re such a sweet amazing person and I’m so glad I got to meet you!

Sarah 2: You are so unique, and you reminded me SO MUCH of someone it’s driving me crazy trying to figure out who. I’m so jealous of you being an extra! And who knew you were the L&C girl?

The train was delayed so I called my mom and basically told her everything about the tour and the 2 days. And then I called a few ppl - Hina, Anuja - and then we stopped again. Then the announcement came on - “We almost hit a pedestrian.”

Basically for the rest of the night Sarah and I went online and I posted a few pics and talked to Anne, Ana, Audi, Allison, Amanda (wow the As) and gushed about the trip.

I slept til 10:10, which is basically sleeping in, and watched an ep of my s9 of Friends. The three of us were watching episodes later that day and it made me laugh that they were laughing so hard at them, because they don’t watch the show and s9 was like the worst season.

So Sarah and I went driving/exploring and we got ridicously expensive ice cream. $1 for the tiniest bit of sprinkles! Hostility! Then we had to find a store to get my aunt a presend and since we were in CA and didn’t know where we were, that was fun.

So then we went to the restaurant Nicoli’s for dinner - it was me, Sarah, Aunt Jean, and Robert. That was nice, and of course we started discussing GG and L/L…but what else is new.

From there we went to Blockbuster and rented Say Anything! I finally saw it Yay! I just wanted to see the “In Your Eyes,” scene, so I just kept thinking about the line from 504 and now I really want to see Luke do that. But the movie was really good and I love Lloyd Dobbler.

We gave my aunt her gifts, I almost cried, and it was really sad. So the rest of the night we just hung out and had fun talking.

You can find the pictures of the WB tour here:

And the pictures to everything else San Diego here:
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