C.S. Lewis is a pretty great writer. Depending on what you're already reading at the point of this entry, might I recommend The Great Divorce or The Screwtape Letters?
That's next on the list. I've been taking my time with 'Mere Christianity' though. It's a book that I could blow through in little time, but I've been waiting to pick it up for those occasions that my intuition is sounding like a fire alarm. And so far I've been pleasantly surprised with the results, as you can tell.
Screwtape LetterslovereignsJanuary 24 2008, 07:47:50 UTC
You can borrow my copy after you are done chewing on Mere Christianity. I think we need to chat about everything you're thinking/learning. Hooray for MGL time. Have a super super day. You are loved.
I hope the notes you wrote in my copy of Mere Christianty enhance the pages. If not, I'm coming after you. J/K I'm glad we've had some chats on Lewis. We'll continue once you've finished processing.
Comments 5
Good talk at Crunchy's yesterday, btw.
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