because i cant have you back and because everything every day reminds me. i stomp my feet and turn cold. hold steady sweet fist of mine beat again ragged heart inside. turn the deadbolt.. once again.
the dawning of days the birth of hope. we press our hands against a breeze in the air we know we are alive again. know that when the blanket covers the light that i will whisper in your ear, that i will not forget how to say your name.
nothingness grows into meaninglessness. we grow together. smile and hate together. love and cry together. hurt and lie together. we learn. the classroom never leaves us when we decide to walk through the door. holy holie molie. teach us the way. the way to happiness. the way to live life. there is no road to follow. just the one we've made.
how dare we believe in this life. in goodness. a hurt shell a fractured egg how dare we love, just to lose. all will never be cured. all is meant to fail one day this house will burn down. and all the memories with it. one day we won't exist you'll see that all this is is meaningless.
and smash went the heart on the floor jealousy and regret grew up quick. i lost all the blood that was flowing and felt it turn to ice. a regret i never knew, now will fester. oh shit! not another one! i will always lose.
in dance halls we found the rest of our party standing still and watching the crooners croon broken arrows and vomit stained stools bad tattoos that were strategically placed to be shown off. yuck! yearning for the lights we found only the dimly lit minds so sad, so secure, so scheduled fall off the edge and wake up.