Title: Can we just fall in Love? Pairing: Tora x Shou Rating: NC-13 Genre: Romance, fluff Warnings: Excessive fluff and some angst. Summary: Tora hates Valentines day.
Oh it's so fuckin awesome. I could imagine every picture and it was really heartwarming. My girlfriend has birthday on valentines day but we live around 400 kilometers apart. So I just send her some and made her a happy valentine. And yeah. You made a awesome valentine story so that I love valentine a bit more. X3 thank u so much. <3
That must be difficult to live and love so far apart, though it also sounds like a romantic idea. *fic inspiration* I'm glad you liked it, thanks for reading :D
it is, but she will move to my town in half a year = ) and yeah! It would be nice to read a fic about that x3 and hey, at least I send her roses! :3 It made her really happy.:3
i know it's no longer valentines day now but i sure feel as if it still is because of this... thank you so much... now i have all the fluff and angst i need it to finish what i have to do.... thank you! :)
Comments 18
I could imagine every picture and it was really heartwarming.
My girlfriend has birthday on valentines day but we live around 400 kilometers apart. So I just send her some and made her a happy valentine.
And yeah. You made a awesome valentine story so that I love valentine a bit more. X3
thank u so much. <3
I'm glad you liked it, thanks for reading :D
and yeah! It would be nice to read a fic about that x3
and hey, at least I send her roses! :3 It made her really happy.:3
Thank you very much for reading and commenting.
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Thank you for reading.
This is great, thanks for sharing
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