Title: Wipe out. Pairing: Shou x Nao Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, smut Warnings: Manly sex. Manly tears. Summary: A lazy day takes a nose dive as Shou reveals some upsetting news.
I love it so freaking much...... this is one of the best fanfiction I ever read!
ShouxNao is one of my favorite paring and it's so few people that are writing about them that it is impossible to read about them!
And this fanfiction made me a bit stronger, I have moved faraway from someone I love but I can't go back because I'm trying to get better with my life.
I love all your fanfiction and I get so happy when I see that your up dating.
I love you
You are not thinking about a sequel? I would love to read more and see how things are working out for them.
That is such a nice thing to read after a long day at uni *tears* I hadn't really thought about the pairing before but now it's really grown on me alot, so I might end up writing more in the future.
That's so sad, I can only imagine how difficult that is for you. But if it's for the better then I'm sure you are a very strong person and I wish you all the luck in the world.
I might do a sequel to this, but it will be in a little while so that I can get everything else updated first (I've got quite a back catalog to do lmao) Thank you for reading and commenting.
Awww...that was so fluffy and cute, I loved it. Such and unusual pairing, but you really made it work it was really cute. And I died of laughter when I read the tall, dark, handsome tiger part XD And the sex was very hot too, well done m'dear, looking forward for all your stuff to be updated 8D xoxo
Thank youuuu ^w^ It is quite strange, though when i think about it.. they totally look good together. How could I not mention Tora hhuhu >3 Thank you very much. I'll try and get off my ass and update soon. Looking forward to your updates too. *coughvitalsignscough*
You're very welcome. I really enjoyed writing this pairing actually, so thank you for requesting it. I'm so glad you like it, I was worried that it might not be to your taste. I'm actually planning a sequel to this fic, so please look forward to it ^^ . I'll try to update everything as soon as I can. Thank you :D
p.s, I tried to reply to your message but your privacy settings won't let me. D:
Comments 18
I love it so freaking much...... this is one of the best fanfiction I ever read!
ShouxNao is one of my favorite paring and it's so few people that are writing about them that it is impossible to read about them!
And this fanfiction made me a bit stronger, I have moved faraway from someone I love but I can't go back because I'm trying to get better with my life.
I love all your fanfiction and I get so happy when I see that your up dating.
I love you
You are not thinking about a sequel? I would love to read more and see how things are working out for them.
Keep it up
I hadn't really thought about the pairing before but now it's really grown on me alot, so I might end up writing more in the future.
That's so sad, I can only imagine how difficult that is for you. But if it's for the better then I'm sure you are a very strong person and I wish you all the luck in the world.
I might do a sequel to this, but it will be in a little while so that I can get everything else updated first (I've got quite a back catalog to do lmao)
Thank you for reading and commenting.
They are such a cute couple!
Thank you so much for your kind words.
It means a lot to me <3
When I read that you mabye will do a sequel I got really happy ^ ^
Take care hun ~
How could I not mention Tora hhuhu >3
Thank you very much. I'll try and get off my ass and update soon. Looking forward to your updates too. *coughvitalsignscough*
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Thanks for reading and commenting.
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I'm so glad you like it, I was worried that it might not be to your taste. I'm actually planning a sequel to this fic, so please look forward to it ^^ .
I'll try to update everything as soon as I can. Thank you :D
p.s, I tried to reply to your message but your privacy settings won't let me. D:
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