Title: Age 24 Author: shou_ni Pairing: ToraxShou Rating: NC- 13 Genre: Romance, Angst-ish, Fluff, Disclaimer: I dont own anyone, just the story. Summary: Life isn't always fair.
oh oh oh!!!! how cute, it was so lovely... at first i was taken aback, after all losing your sense of sight permanently isn't very easy to take, but i can't tell you how relieve i am when shou suddenly appeared in front of tora and made a heaven out of his hell... gosh it was so ridiculously beautiful and so utterly sweet... you really never fail to amaze me, believe me you always do *you always make me cry too* and i so love you for that... well, actually i think shou has always been watching tora even before the incident maybe it was just my mind going overdrive.... huh~ what a beautiful night this has become ,thank you very much! *sends a lot of love*
I imagine that it'd be terrifying to hear something like that. Your'e too kind ^^ I'm blushing. It'd be pretty cool if Shou had been watching him for a while before that. *rolls in love* Thank you for reading and commenting so sweetly.
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*rolls in love* Thank you for reading and commenting so sweetly.
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