Title: Wipe out - The Sequel Pairing: Shou x Nao Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, smut Warnings: Man sex, Summary: It'd been three and a half months since he had seen Shou.
You're welcome, I quite enjoyed writing it. I'm really pleased you liked it. p.s sorry it's taken so long to reply. I wasn't allowed on the computers in hospital for a while.
Shiiiiitttt!! This had the right amount of fluff and angst in it! Not to mention, I love the way Nao just downright punched Shou as soon as he got close! Like omgeh, I kinda didn't expect that! I was seeing Nao crying immediately as soon as he saw Shou but noooooo! And lol, Shou saying he deserved that ~
And wtf??? Handjob at a surf board? Seriously??? Nao's such a pervert here lol but, what really made me laugh is when his mom teased them and just ughhhh, Like mother like son ehehehe
Gah, I read this for thee smut, which if I may say so is splendid but the angsttttttt, it got to me like woah, fucking hell yeah angst! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this fanfic! It was awesome! <3
Comments 16
I was so happy when I saw it
God...it broke my heart when I read that Nao was heartbroken
I love it so much that words are not enough
Belive me or not but I got tears while reading it
Love you so much for this
p.s sorry it's taken so long to reply. I wasn't allowed on the computers in hospital for a while.
And wtf??? Handjob at a surf board? Seriously??? Nao's such a pervert here lol but, what really made me laugh is when his mom teased them and just ughhhh, Like mother like son ehehehe
Gah, I read this for thee smut, which if I may say so is splendid but the angsttttttt, it got to me like woah, fucking hell yeah angst! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this fanfic! It was awesome! <3
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