Title: Kokana Romansu.
Author: shou_ni
Pairing: SagaxShou, ToraxShou
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, Smut-ish
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, just the story.
Summary: Shou wasn't exactly sure what to say or even what to think as the male blabbed on, walking further into his apartment.
Saga was worth more than that. )
Comments 21
Thank you for readin and commenting ^^
I'm happy to see this updated its been a while, and it means that you're feeling good enough to write, which is pure awesome :D Its good to have you back :D Thanks for updating, and great work, as always xoxo
Well I have nothing better to do when I'm home alone all day every day LOL. I'm glad you liked it, feels good to be posting updates again.
Thank you for stopping by darling xoxo
thanks for stopping by to comment. *hugs*
Thanks for pointing it out :x
On another note, I'm damn ecstatic that you're back! I've been sadly deprived of your fics for quite some time. I missed u! Sorry for being sappy haha. I hope your arm is healing well!
And before I forget...*throws a brick at that gross middle aged fart who did Shou* o(-`д´- 。) That goes for all the bastards that did Saga too.
Thank you honey, it feels great to be posting again, even if it is one handed at this point XD.
At least the fat people who fucked Saga paid him money, poor Shou.
Thanks for commenting ^^
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