Dec 05, 2007 22:44
This week's theme is...
Week 55: Hope
Keeping mostly with a holiday theme, this week's theme is hope. You may use the word, synonym/antonym, imagery or combination of imagery to show this theme. Shoujo manga is full of characters hoping for all sorts of things, so this could be a relatively easy theme as well!
[x] One icon submission per person.
[x] Icons must be from a shoujo series (manga/anime).
[x] Meet LJ standards (100x100 / 40K or less .jpg, .gif or .png only).
[x] Follow submission guidelines (detailed in userinfo).
[x] Live Journal userpics is not an acceptable form of image hosting.
[x] Mods reserve the right to accept or deny your submission.
[x] Remember to include your series and/or character name with your submission!
Submit icons to this screened post by Friday, December 14th, 9pm EST.
week 55,