Title: Dear Mine
Mangaka: Takao Shigeru
Genre: shoujo
Scanlation: Endless Dimension
WARNINGS: none I can think of, other than bits of a mother in her underwear, but nothing hentai. Also… Keep in mind this series is about the relationship between a 17 year old and a 10 year old. Nothing bad or dirty on this one, but if it annoys you…
This is my first time sharing, so please be gentle~
I also separated the posts in uneven batches to be able to get more or less decent cliff-hangers, so please don’t get mad at me for that! I also separated the quantity of posts in TOMES, not chapters. So it’ll take 10 posts to paste all Volume one :3
Meet our lovely protagonists! Satoko and Fuuma (who I shall call Fuu-chan)
A good little wife~<3… and a good little husband XD
Ohhhh~ Fu-chan would love to see Satoko like this~
I love the mom… and I love her panties, they are so funny XD
Why the weird expression, mom? And how do you keep your hair so pretty in the mornings?
Gotta love a girl with her priorities right…
Well, physically speaking she is right… Certain kinds of food cheer us up.
Satoko, meet your destiny. It is to be a pedo.
Looks yummy~
That’s right, come hither little kid, I have spring veggie rolls in my pocket~<3
That’s all for today, more hopefully tomorrow! Hopefully I’ll read messages and remember about it….