Title: Dear Mine
Mangaka: Takao Shigeru
Genre: shoujo
Scanlation: Endless Dimension
WARNINGS: If my mom was hot like that, I'd do her.
So sorry…. =___= I’ve been dead tired the past two days… I do promise I will try to finish posting volume one this week!
I digress… When I’m really sick I curl with my knees to my chin, practically.
Even Sayoko is prey to Fuu-chan’s loveliness. Her greedy hands reach to grope….
Pay attention to the hands… they are a very important factor all thorough the manga/
I have NO idea what the hell is that…. Bi-globed ball thing even more Shota-Fuu is holding against his face.
Let’s love Hagane… please notice he NEVER smokes in front or even near the children/
And with this lovey dovey message, we finish chapter three~ Hope everyone enjoyed so far!
Welcome one and all to “Dear mine” chapter 4!
I thought you had to colour them before putting them together? I might be wrong, tho.
I want THAT tutor.
He even has a whip…. Are we REALLY sure it’s not that kind of manga? (and how many of us wish it was?)
… I’d lick that paper.
And Mom is back! Let’s say hi to her!
Oh, my Maid…… Mom is hot.
I guess she’s lucky to be so hot… She’s otherwise useless!