DATE: there still is no date, but I get like 2 weeks off exams rrrright after the 9th so anytime after that/even that day is cool with me!
any date suggestions? I want it to be comfortable for everyone
DRAWING THEME: uhh this was kinda settled on a twitter convo so I hope it ok,
theme is children's day costumes! for more comfortable access to refs
Poland, Lithuania, England, America, Canada, Japan, Russia>
Spain, France>
Austria, Hungary>
Liechtenstein, Switzerland>
Italy (not children's day, but it is young italy)
there's no Germany, so if anyone wants to draw him they'll need to work google out a bit I guess
there are enough characters since the group is about 8 people, so just choose any char you want (no doubles obviously) and let me know. in case you couldn't tell I have a thing for lists
and this is mainly for myself, list of participants:
bluef0x America
hollowmoon Greece
letsactive michirahime Liechtenstein
mr_louie Germany
piratelicker France
teh_ryu England
shourii Spain
dururu Poland
amasugiru Lithuania
eespatula Canada
starstray Hungary
I hope its organized enough for a start?