Forgive my belated post
Katie Rusch is the other love of my life. That's why she, like Jeremiah, was left out of this post. :-D McDonalds Fatties. SDSU crew girl, I will be crashing in your dorm come this fall. :)
I'm bad with words. I have never been eloquent when writing an entry or saying a speech, but I'll give this one last try. This year has made me really appreciate people, whether it's my closest friends, officers, strangers, acquaintances, or the class of '06 as a whole.
Annie, Karen, Tiffo, Twong (in alpha order)...I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I will never be able to chill with other people like I chill with you guys. No awkward silence, just comfortable doing anything and everything together.
I'm so thankful for Brad, Em, and Jacob for being my partners in crime this year. Though at times I wanted to yell at them (and sometimes I did), and many times they wanted to yell at me for being pushy and bossy, I realized, when we were giving each other one last hug on stage at grad, that I could not have done what I did w/o the other three, and hopefully vice versa. It was a good combination afterall: Brad is sincere, Em is energetic, and Jacob is a rapstar. And all the countless miserable hours at school in Mrs. F's room, well I'm glad we won't we doing that any time soon :).
I love our lunch group. There's this mutual feeling that we have that's unexplainable. Taking naps on the group with our sweatshirts over our faces not giving a care what other people thought. Hao's KFC. Countless trips to the student store buying ice cream. Megan's good lunches. Andrew's massages. You know the rest. It's almost impossible to list all of you and everything special about you, but I hope you know that you made my experience worthwhile.
Tiger. It was definitely a love-hate relationship. Our numerous conversations about bra sizes, periods, tampons, prom dresses...all I have to say is that estrogen-filled glass room is hilarious as heck. Laura, you're so sweet, Sinead...MR. MARTIN, Emma, thanks for the bra tips , Tara, you always crack me up, Kat, thanks for copy editing all that crap while I was gone, Steph, thanks for appreciating my work on staff, Tristan, thanks for being dedicated, Ryan, thanks for writing awesome bball articles, Ivan, thanks for your help w/ illustrator and everything graphics-related. And the Luna-pranking group, I love the video! Sorry, I'm missing people...but all in all, I love you all.
Yosemite. I remember when Amanda first came back from Yosemite, she wrote that "Never has 12 people made such an impact on me in such a short time." That really just takes the words out of my mouth. We all started as being acquaintances, so with most of you I had preconceived notions about your personality/character. But after 4 days, I don't know how but all of you changed my mind. Kat is a natural leader, Amy turned gimpy AFTER the treacherous hike, Marty is one of the kindest people I know, Melissa is really considerate, Alicia is a mother hen, Ari is always so happy and optimistic, Lindsey is encouraging, I love laughing with Jessica, Winnie is strong, and Chris...I'm so glad I got to know you once again after 8th grade. :) Bl-bl-bl IPB!
But afterall, I know I will see all of you after high school. It's the people who I don't see everyday outside of school that I'm sad to leave.
Amanda (Loo) - thanks for being the best calculus buddy that anyone could ask for. We finally did it!
Jesse, Thomas and Stan are the best Powder Puff coaches, and the entire Powder Puff team should get an award for being the tightest knit group w/ team songs and everything.
Samantha, Alyssa, Stephanie, Jessica and Jason are the most awesome people to work with.
And everyone who I ever talked to during these past four years, thanks for making a difference. There will never be another centennial class of 2006.
Thanks for being so patient w/ me during graduation. Whit and Josh, I cry every time I read your speeches again because it's so good. Grad night was a blast. I love high school dances.
'06 alums.