Politicians are idiots. Instead of wasting reading time I will just put this part into a cut:
It's not just the Republicans, either. I was watching C-SPAN today as they were doing a live showing of the U.S. House concerning the Reconciliation Bill. It's amazing how badly constructed their arguments are. It's amazing how these kinds of people can be elected into these positions. One of the Democrats felt it was necessary to call it the ReCONciliation Bill, and even had a nice, pretty poster to go along with it. Not only that, but they even argued that "those wealthy fat-cats" would be the main beneficiaries of it. Slang is for the street. These are supposed to be formal arguments. A Republican felt it was necessary to quote The Bible (stereotypical), and though I do not remember his quote word for word, I know his meaning was that it should be up the the individual to help those who are in need, which is a scary thought (but that's a whole different debate). These arguments are so elementary. Save the moral and religious rhetoric for the general public's opinion. Where are my statistics. It's one thing to say that this bill is going to cut funding for the poor, but to what extent is the damage? Why should I care if it hurts the poor? For all I know it means it will cost the poor a few dollars. Show me something real. Show me statistics. And sure, maybe we need to pass this in order to save our future generations from debt. But just how much of a debt are we talking? And why are we cutting from these budgets instead of other ones? And just how bad can things get if we don't change things at all? Instead of answering these questions, most of what I saw was little more than political car salesmen throwing fluff around with absolutely no evidence to support any of their claims. Granted, I'm not the one voting on this, but it just bothers me that the people who are seem to have little knowledge at all about what they are even voting on.
I'm worried about sending U of I an application. According the website, if I sent it in now, I'd also have to send in my ACT scores, which aren't so hot. They're not bad, but I don't think they're near anything U of I would be looking for. However, if I wait until mid-December I can send in an application that doesn't require an ACT score, because I'd have a sufficient amount of credits to do so (it says I need 30 and currently I believe I have 25 or 26). I looked up the GPA they usually accept for students majoring in education, and it's about 3.1, and currently mine is about 3.0 (maybe 2.9 something or another), so I figure I'd probably be better off if I wait until this semester is over to send in an application. I seriously worry if I'd be able to get in. I'd really like to, but then again I have to be realistic about all of this. Right now all I can do is hope.
Other than that I guess I'm not doing so bad. This cold weather sucks. I already miss shorts season. Schaumburg's Best Buy decided to interview me, and after my interview they decided to hire me. However, it was not until the end of the interview that they told me that the job would be seasonal, which pissed me off because had I known from the beginning, I definitely would have been more hesitant in accepting it. It means I really only work there for about a month and a half. They gave me some crap that I might be able to work part time if I work hard enough and they have an opening, but considering practically everybody sends an application there, I know my chances are pretty slim.
So I guess I'm pretty worried about my future...