Title: A Splitting Of The Mind [Epilogue]
shoved2agreePairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R/NC-17
Summary: Gerard Way sees the world differently. Alone and institutionalised, Gerard claims that he is being hunted, and that his mind holds the key to existence. Does Gerard really hold such a powerful secret? Or is he just insane like everyone else in the
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Comments 336
This completely broke my heart, I was so hoping Gerard wouldn't die but T.T omg. I don't even know how to describe how I feel right now, or how much I love this story. I've read it from the day the first chapter was posted and I'm so sad that it's over. I just. Fffff.
Geraaaaaaaaaaaaard T.T
Ok, so, I don't know whether I love or hate you right now.
I thought (I was so sure!) that maybe Gerard didn't die, like, it would turn out he was crazy and would wake up and they would all be gone and he and Frank would live happily ever after.
I won't lie, my stomach dropped when Maes was wearing the gloves. I actually felt sick...but then, I realise it was quite sweet. Like, Frank is trying to help someone, just like Gerard did for him.
This was brilliant, it really was. I'm gonna miss this. Saved to my memories ♥ ♥
I'm so glad you finished this fic and that we're all able to finally have an ending but I just wished it had ended differently :(
I never expected a happy ending per say, just an ending where neither Gerard or Frank died would have been favorable.
I really do love this story, it's amazing in so many ways, I just have issues with character death and always skip stories when I know they'll have character death in them.
I'm so sad Gerard died. I hoped that now he gave away a secret he also might survive.
But it's so good to know he helped Frank and that Frank is now able to help Maes. At least a part of the ending is good. :)
Only thing I miss: What did Gerard write? Not nice not telling us. ;)
I read today from chapter 18 to the end and the Mikey situation broke my heart and left my crying. I can't even imagine how horrible it has to be for someone seeing their brother in such a condition knowing it's their fault. I felt so sorry for Gerard. But the conclusion that he made something good by helping Frank was amazing. It's just too sad that Gee had to die.
I'm very proud of you, if that means anything. Leaving comments feels very hallow anymore, compared to the friendship this has lead to. If you don't know how I feel about the story by now, I've failed you.
I know I had advantages about the stories others didn't, but I am glad I never knew all that much. This story deserved to be a secret all of its own.
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