The first round of purging is done. We went from 992 members to 648 (344 people removed!) and I'll tell you, that was the biggest pain in the ass I've ever had to deal with - at least online. :P
We're going to be doing this again in about 6 months, in order to weed out any more apparent trolls.
"Yeah, but what criteria did you use in order to decide who were trolls and who weren't?" - Too many things, really. That's why this is the first round. Basically, we looked at when you created your journal and how many communities you are a member of, then we compared that to how many journal entries you have and how many comments you've made - nothing too harsh.
"Yeah, but what if you booted someone who wasn't a troll? I mean, maybe they had things come up in their personal life?" - Indeed. And we took that into consideration as well. However, we had noticed a lot of people who had had their journal for a couple months or more and had found the time to join multiple communities without posting to a single one or making a single journal entry. (In some cases, people who had created their journal no more than two months ago and had joined more than 20 communities.) If you have the time to join a bunch of communities, perhaps you should be paying attention to the communities you join, non?
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. As I said before, anyone who was booted can appeal the decision if they choose.