i've been to one of those adult party's. My cousin had one and I went with my mum and wow it was strange handing my mum a vibrator?!@# It wasn't that much fun cause I don't do the whole sex thing
yeh the undies, i was looking at a brochure, and i hell love those suspender stockings! i think they are especailly cute.
but i dont have the money for the whole outfit in the brochure, and that lingere is not gonna look as good on me (no near) as it does on the models in the book.
coz these young 13/14 yr old girls came into sanity the other day and asked if we have the OC soundtrack, and we had sold out, so i asked them what song they liked, knowing that we had phantom planet/jet/dandy warhols/sfa/the thrills all in stock, and they go "you know when Seth and Somer first get together?" and i say "when it goes hello sunshine?" and they said "YES!" so i got the album for them and they bought it. little do they know what a music investment it is.
oh to be ytoung again and to have a disposable income
Oh Shones. You know you love Guy. It's just denial. I can help you work through it.
And good on you for spreading the Nathy word. Especially to a Buckley fan. You're doing the Lord's work. Truly. The Nathy-bagging the other day was quite fun. The chick was going 'Y'know how when he's thinking of something to say, he just starts tugging on his hair and making stupid noises?' and I'm like 'YES!'
And I'm scaring myself a bit by actually genuinely not wanting to go on Saturday. I didn't want to be THIS over it.
Re: yes! tugging on his munchky hairpure_gold_babyNovember 9 2004, 20:26:14 UTC
Kudos to you, and to your little black and white aquatic avian friend. I would boycott, but mother has already bought tickets, and if I did the unthinkable and say I didn't want to go at all, I'd be bombarded with questions along the lines of 'What's the matter? Has he done something to piss you off?Did you have a fight or something?' And I'd have to remind her it's hard to be pissed off or have a fight with someone that you haven't seen for two months, and that I just didn't want to go.
The fact that I'm probably not going to bother talking to him afterwards will spark off a bit of 'Why do you have such a problem with him at the moment?' questioning. *sigh* Bullshit. All of it.
But I will see you on Sunday! Hurrah! But I might not be able to get quite as drunk, cause I'll still be on medication for my cold/ear infection. While getting rat-faced would be quite fun, I don't really want to have to pay for drunken shenanigans by dying in the middle of the night. I'll aim for tipsy and see how we go.
well if you live in perth and you know anything about the perth scene you should know who nathy is. and if you know anything about the back catalogue of Oz music you should know who david is because of Custard/Custaro.
if noone at your store knew who they were that would be such a worry.
Ha, we all live inside such musical bubbles, that when we find people who aren't aware of the things that we are, we get all up in arms and 'How could you not know such-and-such?'
I had a friend who was really into local stuff (I've overtaken her now, carrying on the torch and such), and she used to go to all these gigs all the time, and when I saw Gaunt and Fourth Floor for the first time, I asked her if she'd heard of them. She said 'Oh yeah, I've seen Fourth Floor heaps' then proceeded to tell me some innane story about Barney. The she said 'But I've never heard of that Nathan guy.'
So there's no rules for who you know, and what you like. I'm sure there's some sort of Hans Christian Anderson-esque lesson in there somewhere, but it's more than likely the ramblings of someone who took two Mersyndol when she shouldn't have, and is now quite the drugged-up zombie. Hurrah!
Comments 14
i dont understand?
yeh its like a friends from uni, she is very excited.
and i have no money.
it will be like a tupleware party.
but for sex.
I like some of the underwear from those sex parties, That's about it...I like sexy underwear hee hee
yeh the undies, i was looking at a brochure, and i hell love those suspender stockings! i think they are especailly cute.
but i dont have the money for the whole outfit in the brochure, and that lingere is not gonna look as good on me (no near) as it does on the models in the book.
coz these young 13/14 yr old girls came into sanity the other day and asked if we have the OC soundtrack, and we had sold out, so i asked them what song they liked, knowing that we had phantom planet/jet/dandy warhols/sfa/the thrills all in stock, and they go "you know when Seth and Somer first get together?"
and i say "when it goes hello sunshine?"
and they said "YES!"
so i got the album for them and they bought it.
little do they know what a music investment it is.
oh to be ytoung again and to have a disposable income
And good on you for spreading the Nathy word. Especially to a Buckley fan. You're doing the Lord's work. Truly. The Nathy-bagging the other day was quite fun. The chick was going 'Y'know how when he's thinking of something to say, he just starts tugging on his hair and making stupid noises?' and I'm like 'YES!'
And I'm scaring myself a bit by actually genuinely not wanting to go on Saturday. I didn't want to be THIS over it.
yeh i dont want to go on saturday either,
and neither does penguin, cos he hates the indian shit.
but i will go on saunday. for sure.
and your gonna be drunk for a change and i cant wait!
The fact that I'm probably not going to bother talking to him afterwards will spark off a bit of 'Why do you have such a problem with him at the moment?' questioning. *sigh* Bullshit. All of it.
But I will see you on Sunday! Hurrah! But I might not be able to get quite as drunk, cause I'll still be on medication for my cold/ear infection. While getting rat-faced would be quite fun, I don't really want to have to pay for drunken shenanigans by dying in the middle of the night. I'll aim for tipsy and see how we go.
and if you know anything about the back catalogue of Oz music you should know who david is because of Custard/Custaro.
if noone at your store knew who they were that would be such a worry.
I had a friend who was really into local stuff (I've overtaken her now, carrying on the torch and such), and she used to go to all these gigs all the time, and when I saw Gaunt and Fourth Floor for the first time, I asked her if she'd heard of them. She said 'Oh yeah, I've seen Fourth Floor heaps' then proceeded to tell me some innane story about Barney. The she said 'But I've never heard of that Nathan guy.'
So there's no rules for who you know, and what you like. I'm sure there's some sort of Hans Christian Anderson-esque lesson in there somewhere, but it's more than likely the ramblings of someone who took two Mersyndol when she shouldn't have, and is now quite the drugged-up zombie. Hurrah!
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