Glitter Text , Sparkle Text Generator THE RULES
- Post your request ANONYMOUSLY.
- One request per comment.
- All requests and responses must feature at least ONE StC character
- Any characters may be requested and written, not just one's own
- Responses are to be made replying to the request they answer.
- Requests CAN be filled more than once.
- Kinks don't necessarily have to involve porn. Anything goes.
- Slash, femslash, het, threesomes, any kind of pairing is fine.
- Prompts, responses and feedback are all needed!
- Post request fulfilments ANONYMOUSLY.
- Request fulfilments don't necessarily have the be in the form of a fic. Art (or anything else) is good too!
- Because this is a kink meme, expect NSFW - any rating is allowed.