But this is my rp/stuff i watch/read journal, so if you don't like it, what are you really doing here in the first place?
ALSO? Both our heat and water are off, so this will doubtless be filled with freezing fucking cold induced typos I cannot be bothered to correct ....that's a lie, I will anyway because I can't stand them.
I read a lot of LJ reviews of Heroes because it's interesting for me to see what other people think, and what I keep seeing is the word 'stalking' applied to West's behavior in the last episode.
This is the dictionary definition of stalking:
v. tr.
1. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.
1. At this point, that definition is no longer applicable, all right, internet? Floating outside Claire's window certainly falls into this definition, and it was bizarre and strange and not the right way to go about things. This is fine. However. The SECOND time this happened, Claire knew about it, arguably because West sucks ass at stealth.
This more than applies to the Infamous Waffles Incident, okay, because he does not even ATTEMPT to hide the fact that he's there. Moreover, he hasn't snuck into her house to plant letterbombs, he's there because Sandra let him into the house.
I am not disputing the fact that Claire doesn't want him to interact with her parents and he does it anyway. But let's actually take a look at what's going on there as far as West goes, okay?
What he's hearing is that the parents of his girlfriend are very strict about dating and don't want Claire seeing anyone, not specifically him, but any dating at all ist verboten. His first reaction to that, way back in The Kindess of Strangers is not 'well, then we don't have to tell them' it's - 'let me talk to [your dad].' Not 'let's hide our relationship,' but 'if we talk to your parents they'll see I'm okay.'
This is where the RPing thing comes in, because it makes me more prone to analysing motivation, particularly if I'm, you know, playing a character. And I really did need to stop and look and go 'okay, why would he do that?' I'm not going to pretend I've ever understood the Company plant theory, because it just doesn't make sense to me. As Dele put it:
[Jeri] But it like, it just never occurred to me to wonder if he was Evil
[Delekay] yeah...........honestly, me either, after seeing him
[Jeri]Because...I just...I don't get that vibe at all O_o
[Delekay] making him evil
[Delekay] would be a fucking cop out
[Jeri]I don't know, the way he looks at Claire, it's just like
[Jeri] Nick D'Agosto clearly doesn't believe he's evil, i'd say XD
[Delekay] dude
[Delekay] he is writing like
[Delekay] "West Butler <3<3" on his books
[Delekay] (dude you KNOW he would take her name.)
[Delekay] (he TOTALLY would.)
[Jeri] He'd be like "...let's hyphenate!"
[Jeri] PS Rosen-Bennet is a nice name
My point is that having put some thought into this, West - while he is DOING IT WRONG a lot of the time, I totally give you that, fandom, because FLAWED CHARACTERS ARE BETTER - as is specifically stated, "just wants to be part of [Claire's] life." In his mind, what he needs to do to make that happen, aside from Stupid Flying Stunts (and don't think those aren't coming back to bite BOTH of them in the ass, and also OH MY GOD shut up, Claire was totally complicit in that incident) is become involved with Claire's parents, so that way they'll see that his intentions are nothing bad, that he's not a threat and cares about their daughter. Ergo, he has to meet them, because THEY'LL LIKE HIM and that will fix everything.
BUT ZOMG HER BOUNDARIES you say. YES, and you are TOTALLY CORRECT in saying that but listen, West behaves that way about everything. He completely does not UNDERSTAND the concept of social boundaries - and my god I wish the show would confirm this - because he's never been given any. Listen to the way he talks about parents, or family. Claire has been heavily, heavily parented, I would argue West has not been, at all. His parents strike me as being totally and completely hands off.
Again, as Dele said, "most people have lines drawn for them in the sand; West just got a fuckton of sand." And like it or not, the first 18 years of most lives are shaped INCREDIBLY by the guidance they get or don't get from their parents.
I am not excusing West's behavior in anything. I think he fucks up a lot, I think he's FAR too arrogant for his own good, and I think he has a lot of learning to do before he can be anywhere near as adult as he thinks he is. But I also think he genuinely cares about Claire and IS - DARE I SAY IT (....yes) - good for her. She's desperately, desperately looking for someone to connect with about her powers, and she's not getting that anywhere else. She CERTAINLY isn't getting it from Noah, who has made me cry tears of rage and disappointment most of this season. I LOVE HIM, but my god, dude. I keep reading about how can Claire betray Noah with West this way when he's given up so much for her: PLEASE, he hasn't given up jack, as Slarti put it.
(Hi, I make other people discuss this stuff with me.) ANYWAY. He - Noah, not Slarti, although that would kind of rule) is doing exactly the same things he was doing last season, just now it's 'for his family' and not for the Company. I don't know what the hell has to happen to make the Bennet family not lie to one another, but dude.
RIGHT, I'm off track now, and I've ranted myself out, but allow me to sum up with the following:
[Auto] And inch by inch
[Auto] you make me fall in love with west.
[Jeri] ahaahha <3333 it's my job