Huh!? Radio?

Dec 30, 2008 02:14

First of all, please post the links to three applications (regular OR theme) you have voted on:

x x x


01. Name: Megan
02. Age: Seventeen
03. Gender:
04. Is that also the gender you would like to be stamped as?
04 B. Are you ready for SH Homecoming characters? [x I was waiting until I beat the game to join, actually.] YES [] NO
If this is a re-stamp, feel free to tell us who you were stamped as last time and in what ways you think this person does not correspond to your personality: N/A

05. Likes: hot chocolate on cold days, felines, art (drawing, painting, charcoal, collage making, etc.), music, anime/manga, video games, friends/family, people watching, catching up with old friends, Taco Bell, random trips to nowhere, playstation, the smell of vanilla, inscence, keeping a personal journal
06. Dislikes: water and water related activities like swimming, ignorance, chauvinism, women who dumb themselves down to get ahead, people that enjoy testing my patience, being out of my "comfort" zone, being bombarded with tasks, oral presentations...basically everything.
07. Strengths:

-The older I get, the more intellectual I become. I value my intelligence, though I never flaunt it. I would never call myself a genius or superior, but I have a brain and I can think for myself. I'm not superficial or small minded, I don't like to gossip and I try to take every bad experience and learn from it. I'm not totally blinded by romance, I'd just prefer to let it find me. I have other things I'd rather do before I fell in love. I also think that I tend to use my common sense in tight situations. I'm also and INTP, if you're familiar with the MBTI.
-I'm brutally honest and often blunt and upfront with most things. Often it's misconstrued and taken the wrong way and I end up insulting people without intention. Though I still see it as a good quality because I'm simply telling them how I feel, straight up with nothing false. Even though it can get me into trouble, it's a re-occurring quality of mine.
-I'd like to say that for my young age, I'm rather strong emotionally. I've watched family members die of sickness and I've lost a very important person that made a huge impact on my life. I've been back stabbed, been the backstabber, took advantage of someone, had my emotions manipulated and abused and I've grown from all of it. I definitely wouldn't be who I am now without all of those events. I don't trust easily as I once did and I'm skeptical of everyone's intentions. I question things more now.
-Though, I often come off slightly cold through first impressions, I'm rather caring and defensive of the ones close to me. I guess it's a bit of a strength and weakness depending on who's looking at it and what the situation is.
08. Weaknesses:

-My paranoia and neurotic qualities sometimes prevent me from doing things that are 'normal'. I don't date or pursue any kind of romantic relationship. I don't trust easily, if at all. I suspect everyone's intentions and don't give out too much info to people I don't know or fully trust. I'm not someone who would tell in detail of their trials and tribulations on first meeting. I'm a very private person. Very private.
-I over analyze everything. I could receive a compliment from someone and I'll run it through my head so many times so that it's not a compliment anymore, it's a personal attack. This usually also ends up accidentally insulting someone again. Go me.
-I'm very selfish. I look out for number one in most situations and perhaps a select few. I find it hard to put people ahead of me. I was raised an only child, so maybe that's the reason?
-I can come off as pompous, and even disgustingly polite at times. This is usually an impulse, as well.
-I cling to the past, almost like a security blanket. I surround myself with memories and often think and analyze things that happened to me in the past and whether I could have made the deciding factor or have changed it somehow. I could easily get over it, but I'm afraid that I'll forget it or become a totally different person in essence.
-In conversation, I'm not very strong. I often come off as stoic or uncaring when people tell me things. I'm also awkward when it comes to physical contact. It usually leads in me turning away from what I should do, which often ruins the mood or pisses someone off.

(Please provide a short explanation as well)

09. Optimistic or pessimistic?
My friends always complain about what a horrible pessimist I am. I have to agree with that in most situations. I have an odd way of thinking, I guess. I think that if I'm overly optimistic about things I'll jinx the situation.

10. Leader or follower?
I'm usually a follower because of how motivated I am. My friends are all lazy sticks in the mud and I'm the only one who ever wants to get anything done. On the other hand, I'll easily follow if someone with a higher skill level than mine comes into the situation. I'm versatile, if you will.

11. Introvert or extrovert?
I'm pretty introverted. I'm a homebody and I don't like stepping out of my comfort zone to go to things like parties or concerts. At school I barely talk to my peers unless it's a friend or I'm in a smaller more hands on class like my art or French classes.

12. Mature or immature?
Very mature. I have a sense of humor, too. I'm not totally boring. ;]

13. Violent or peaceful?
I guess I'm rather peaceful. I can't even think of a recent situation when I've gotten violent. I hardly get into fights, verbal or physical. I'm more of a calm reasoner.

14. Selfish or altruistic?
I'm pretty selfish, that I'll admit. I'm not very good in romantic settings because of that. I look out for number one before I worry about anyone else.

15. Rude or polite?
Rudely polite. My friend describes me as almost "disgustingly polite to the point of being pompous" at times. I rarely have genuine respect for people. My thank-you's and excuse me's may seem forced most of the time. It's nothing personal...just my nature.

16. Eat here or take away?
I don't mine either. I'm not picky.


17. How do you present yourself in the company of friends?
I pick my friends wisely and in a low quantity. I don't make friends with every person I come in contact with, I have to base my friendship off the foundation of trust that builds over time. I let my guard down around my trusted friends and I may even get goofy at times. My friends bring out the best in me.

18. And in the company of your enemies?
I'm scared to death of some of my enemies that I've made. I usually keep my guard up extremely if I'm forced to work with them. I wouldn't help them ever. If you're my enemy you're my enemy for a good reason.

19. And what about the company of strangers?
I don't speak much. I observe them and their qualities. If I admire them or are fascinated by them in any way, I may start conversation. If this stranger is trying to help me, I'd probably be extremely wary around them. I can't trust strangers.

20. How do you react to people insulting your beliefs (your faith or your opinions in general)?
I usually shrug it off. I try not to get into arguments over beliefs. It only ends in unhappiness on both parts. To each their own. If you respect my beliefs I'll respect yours.

21. And people insulting your loved ones?
I hate it. If I ever get mouthy, this is when. Nothing makes me angrier. I will probably argue here, though it's not very me. If you insult my loved ones, you insult me.

22. And what about people insulting you?
I care to an extent. I'm not going to go cry about it though. I may be taken off guard and shocked, but I'm not a sensitive little flower. I might snap back at them if anything. Though if it's just a straight up rude comment, I'll just ignore it probably because it was uncalled for.

23. Are you better at coping with physical or mental pain?
Mental, probably. I haven't undergone much physical pain in my life, thankfully. Though emotionally, I think I'm very strong. I've seen, witnessed, and heard a lot of things in the short time I've been alive. Throw something at me.

24. Are you better at defending yourself physically or verbally?
Verbally, I'm pretty quick. I've verbally wounded many people, both intentionally and non-intentionally. Physically...not so much. I've never been in a fist fight or anything of the sort. I can shoot a gun and I keep pepper spray with me...

25. Do you prefer to assault people physically or verbally?
From the above responses, I'd say verbally. Physical violence scares me a bit. I'd only ever do it for self defense.


26. Which Silent Hill character do you LEAST identify with and why?
Hmm. I guess Maria. She always seemed needy and clingy and other times stubborn which are not me at all. For example in the hospital when she was like "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE MEEEE~ NEVER LEAVE MEEE~ YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT ME~". I have nothing against her character, though. She's actually pretty tragic yet amusing at the same time...

27. Time to introduce you in a CUT SCENE! Are you the protagonist or somebody they meet? If you are the protagonist, then what brought you here? If not, what will you be found doing and how will you react to meeting that other person?
Haha. I'd prefer to be the protagonist. Survival horror settings fascinate and excite me. Especially dealing with cult related settings. I'd probably be brought there by taking something for granted and trying to find it again.

28. Will you stay alone or join somebody else as soon as possible?
I'd like some help, but considering this is Silent Hill I'm probably going to have to rely on myself. As I've mentioned countless times, I'm rather hostile towards new people. I'd only want help from a trusted official or something of the like.

29. Congratulations, you are now deceased! Next to your corpse, written in blood there is one sentence. What does it say?
And, has thou slain the Jabberwock? ;]

30. And which set of lyrics, either from a song or poem would you like us to remember you by?

Let's get crazy,
Talk about our big plans
Places that you're going
Places that I haven't been
Build my walls up
Concrete castle
Keep this kingdom free of hassle, yeah

- Down, Something Corporate

31. Lastly, feel free to include one picture (no larger than 600 x 600) or a description of yourself.

.stamped, regular: angela orosco

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