Aug 05, 2009 18:35

Alright, posting is enabled again, so let's bring this place to life, shall we?

August & September Theme


+ You must first receive a regular stamp before applying for a theme.

+ The regular community rules still apply, so make sure you've read them carefully.

+ You must vote on all unstamped applications again before you can receive a stamp. It doesn't matter if they are theme or regular applications.

+ Show that you are applying for this theme and impress us with your rule-reading skills by including the enthusiastic excalamtion 'The time has come!' in your subject line.

+ Please save the stamp you received to your own server and continue to vote for others even after you've been stamped.

+ If you would only like to receive votes corresponding to your own gender, please specify so under 'Anything else?'

+ If you really really REALLY don't want to receive a double stamp (that is to say, for example, you were stamped as Heather and therefore have the possibility of receiving a Heather stamp for the Silent Hill 3 theme stamp as well), then please specify so under 'Anything else?' by stating who you were stamped as and that you do not want to be stamped as that character again.

+ With the exception mentioned above we strongly recommend that you DO NOT MENTION who you were regularly stamped as anywhere in your application. It will only influence the votes you receive, not to mention that we really don't care about it.

+ Just like you hopefully did with the regular application, make sure that both your application (for your own sake) as well as your votes (for the sake of not having your head cut off by one of the mods) are ELABORATE. Explaining your answers helps us determine the most suitable character for you. Explaining your votes helps the applicant understand why you think they are similar to the character you chose.


Copy and paste what's in the box and you're ready to go.

Silent Hill Homecoming Theme

= one more soul to the call =


Before you continue, please make sure you've read the rules and voted on all unstamped applications available, both regular and theme.

= stillness in shepherd's glen =

How do- hold on, we can't start this without the proper music! Please open your playlist, put it on random and link us (youtube, lyrics, download) to the first song that comes up. Tell us something about this song, for example if it would make a good theme song for you and why or why not.

Then again, maybe we should put the randomness aside and let you pick your own song. So... if protagonist!you went exploring your house/apartment/tent under a bridge, which song would we hear in the background?
And since we're already in your room, can you maybe tell us a bit about it? You know, how it looks and which items of great foreshadowing significance we may find in it?

Alright, back on topic! How do you react if you witness somebody treating somebody else badly, be it through physical or verbal abuse?
How do you prefer others to react when you're being treated badly, either physically or verbally?

Say, do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, fancy telling us a bit about your relationship?
And children? How do you / do you think you'd act as a parent?

= not going that way =

When approached by a stranger, do you act...
quiet or talkative?
friendly or cold?
open or avoidant?
confident or insecure?

Quotes here! Please tell us if you agree or disagree with them and why that is.
Blood is thicker than water.
The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.
Active evil is better than passive good.
Alcohol is the anaesthesia by which we endure the operation of life.
Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.

= shores of silent hill =

Say we forget about the monsters and the murder, does a small and tight-knit community like Shepherd's Glen sound like a place you'd enjoy living in?
Say we pay attention to the monsters and the murder, would you be willing to play your part in the 'sacrifice one of your children to the Gods' game?

Decision time! Tell us about your in-game choices, that is to say shooting your mother, forgiving your father and saving Wheeler. What did and didn't you do, how did you decide and how long did it take you?
Alright, can you perhaps imagine how those scenarios would look if they were real?

By the way, one of your parents killed you. That wasn't a very nice thing to do, so let's confront them about it! Which symbolically significant object would remind them of their shameful deed?
Hey, I've got an idea! Let's turn into a monster, that'll teach them! So how would your tormented spirit look as a creature from Silent Hill?
And what would be its theme music?

= the sacred line =

Do you like taking pictures?
Please post a picture you've taken here and tell us something about it. If you don't take any pictures at all, just find us a random picture you enjoy.

Apparently Silent Hill has a sidekick feature now. Well then, dear protagonist, who would you want as your Silent Hill Homecoming sidekick? Note that you may choose a person from your own life, somebody famous or a fictional character, even from the SH series itself.
Do you even want to be the protagonist or would you rather play sidekick?

What was your least favourite Silent Hill Homecoming ending?
And to make up for it, what was your favourite alternative costume?

Well, that's pretty much the end of it. As usual, please tell us which one Silent Hill Homecoming character you consider yourself least like and why that is.
Anything else you'd like to add?


Alex Shepherd
Adam Shepherd
Lillian Shepherd
Josh Shepherd
Elle Holloway
Judge Holloway
Deputy Wheeler
Mayor Bartlett
Dr. Fitch
Curtis Ackers


That's it, have fun with the theme!


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