First of all, please post the links to all the applications (regular OR theme) you have voted on:'s one unstamped app I didn't vote on, but it's SHH-themed, and I haven't played it, so I can't exactly vote...)
01. Name: Amy Marie
02. Age: 17
03. Gender: Female
04. Is that also the gender you would like to be stamped as? I'll gladly take either; I want to be labeled honestly!
If this is a re-stamp, feel free to tell us who you were stamped as last time and in what ways you think this person does not correspond to your personality: N/A.
05. Likes: My loved ones, music, video games, art (drawing, graphic design, writing, reading, poetry), fashion, computers, self-reflection, confiding in others and being confided in, daydreaming, animals, sarcasm, humor, freedom, individuality, going for walks alone, love.
06. Dislikes: War, unnecessary violence, spiders, drugs, trends/fads, cliques, prejudice, racism, homophobes, snobs, kids in general, crowds, hypocrites, close-minded people, television and the media, humanity in general, being alone (love-wise, and sometimes in general), and sometimes myself.
07. Strengths: I am friendly, open-minded, intelligent, loyal, trusting, forgiving (have never held a grudge), witty, fun, encouraging, affectionate, devoted and dedicated, in touch with my own feelings and those of others, and am not afraid to be myself.
08. Weaknesses: I am very hot-headed, annoyed extremely easily, very sharp-tongued, speak without thinking, am argumentative, stubborn, defensive, lazy, impatient, overly-forgiving, sometimes dense, overly-obsessive, and I can hurt people unintentionally. I have trouble apologizing when I've done something wrong. I have much too high a focus on finding someone to love and it tears me down.
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
09. Optimistic or pessimistic? Very well known for being optimistic, and even though it usually hurts me in the end, I always retain that attitude. I can be extremely pessimistic over some things, though, such as humanity and specific things involving my life or myself. Sometimes I find I have absolutely no faith in myself or future whatsoever.
10. Leader or follower? Always a dead-set leader. I have no desire to follow the paths or examples of others. I hate being told what to do. I like to make my own decisions, lead my own way, and guide others along with me. I know what I want.
11. Introvert or extrovert? Generally an introvert, being very shy, quiet, and awkward around most others. I love alone time, and a lot of it, but as said before there are times when I cannot stand it. However, when I am with friends or am in a situation where I know I'll be listened to, I am extremely extroverted and outspoken, and may even talk too much. Even then, from time to time I get into phases where I wish to communicate with or be around friends as little as possible. Not sure why.
12. Mature or immature? I can most definitely be both, and I know which is proper when. I like to be playful and immature around good friends, but in most environments I am calm and serious. I feel maturity is my truest nature, but I hate being overly formal with people I'm comfortable with. Although I don't see myself as such, I am constantly told I am wise beyond my years.
13. Violent or peaceful? Peaceful. While my temper and tongue are violent, I hate physical violence, and have never partaken in it myself. I fail to see violence as the answer to anything unless it is necessary, such as self-defense. Besides, words are a much worse weapon, in my opinion.
14. Selfish or altruistic? More selfish than I'd like to be. However, I am considerably altruistic toward those I care about. I am giving, kind, and supportive to all whom I love. I try to do what I can for others, but it's not enough, and I wish I could do more.
15. Rude or polite? Usually polite, but it depends. I wouldn't dare to be rude to anyone unless they provoked me in some way or I was in a bad mood, in which case I can be disgustingly rude. If I don't know a person well or at all, I'll be like sugar. Friends also see the best in me. Family tends to get me snappy, or I just tend to snap in my home environment.
16. Eat here or take away? Take away. I like to eat by myself, preferably while doing something else (surfing the net or playing video games). For some reason, dinner at home is the absolute worst time of day for me. I want to eat casually... isolated.
17. How do you present yourself in the company of friends? Friendly, open, talkative, usually hyper, perverted, giggly... I am a wonderful listener (I did counseling for a while because of it), and love to get in deep, meaningful conversation. However, random insanity floats my boat as well.
18. And in the company of your enemies? I am polite and act normally, as I would with anyone else. If I don't like a person, they will never be able to tell unless I implicitly tell them. However, I don't have anyone I'd consider an actual "enemy"... Like I said, I don't hold grudges.
19. And what about the company of strangers? Deathly quiet, as if a bomb went off and killed everything, unless they talk to me first. I am far too shy to initiate conversation on my own (unless it's online). I feel awkward around strangers, perhaps incompetent in some cases. I feel as though they wouldn't listen to me even if I said something. Yet, I dress how I want, flaunt what I like, and don't care what others think... I am sort of contradictory, aren't I?
20. How do you react to people insulting your beliefs (your faith or your opinions in general)? They can screw off. I'll like what I like and believe what I believe; it's my opinion and I'll stick to it, thank you very much. It's fine to disagree with someone, but to insult? Please, let's be mature. If they're just insulting in general and it's not personally-aimed, well... we're all guilty of that sometimes, aren't we?
21. And people insulting your loved ones? I'd be really pissed, but likely too shy to give them what they deserve. If I had enough courage and was enraged enough, I would definitely chew them out; abuse them with my words. I wouldn't swear or scream, I'd be very calm but extremely icy, as that's how it's been in the past. I'd just point out how worthless they are for feeling a need or desire to talk trash about someone else, and how bad it makes them look.
22. And what about people insulting you? Pfff. Whatever. Leave a message and I'll get back to it in a couple centuries. Oh, wait -- I'll be dead by then.
23. Are you better at coping with physical or mental pain? I am far used to mental pain, and having to deal with it for years on end. I can cope with it fairly well and suppress it, but that doesn't eliminate it. It still surfaces to torment me from time to time, and hurts more than any physical pain ever could. My loneliness is unbearable sometimes.
24. Are you better at defending yourself physically or verbally? Verbally, period. Think I've gone over that enough.
25. Do you prefer to assault people physically or verbally? Should be obvious by now. I'd really prefer to avoid assault in the first place, though.
26. Which Silent Hill character do you LEAST identify with and why? Dahlia. She's a whacked-out religious lunatic, she's crazy, selfish, brought about the suffering of her own daughter, excitedly wanted everyone to die... Not to mention, she has terrible fashion sense...
27. Time to introduce you in a CUT SCENE! Are you the protagonist or somebody they meet? If you are the protagonist, then what brought you here? If not, what will you be found doing and how will you react to meeting that other person? The protagonist, I guess? I suppose I'd just be drifting, attempting to find my purpose. Trying to get somewhere far away, leaving my daily life behind for a while.
28. Will you stay alone or join somebody else as soon as possible? Join someone the absolute second possible, unless I wasn't sure I could trust them or they scared me (like Eddie, say... I'd run the hell away). I couldn't last on my own, mentally or physically.
29. Congratulations, you are now deceased! Next to your corpse, written in blood there is one sentence. What does it say? I truly hope I made someone happy.
30. And which set of lyrics, either from a song or poem would you like us to remember you by?
I want a cup that overflows with love,
although, it's not enough to fill my heart.
I want a barrel full of love,
although, I know, it's not enough to fill my heart.
I want a river full of love,
but then, I know, the holes will still remain.
I need an ocean full of love,
although, I know, the holes will still remain.
(Yeah, I know it's Silent Hill, but it really works for me.)
31. Lastly, feel free to include one picture (no larger than 600 x 600) or a description of yourself.
I normally don't look that emo... but I hardly ever smile, unless I'm in a fit of giggles or something. It isn't because I'm not happy necessarily, it's just not in my personality.