- the links to the three applications you have voted on go here -
http://community.livejournal.com/shrating/89571.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/shrating/89925.html?view=472901#t472901 There wasn't a third one open :'(
Name: Kelsey
Gender: Guuuuuuuuuuurl.
Character you were stamped as: Heather
Are you ready for SH Homecoming creatures? [X] YES [] NO
Describe yourself with...
...three words spazz, laughter, obsessive.
...one picture of something other than yourself
...the lyrics of a song or poem
And she drew
Men, women, kids, sunsets, clouds
And she drew
Skyscrapers, fruit stands, cities, towns
Always said hello to passers-by
They'd ask her why she passed her time
Attachin lines to concrete
But she would only smile
No Regrets by Aesop Rock, drawing is my top priority in life.
How do you prefer to get around (e.g. walking, flying,...)? Walking/bus, it's cheap.
Are you aggressive or passive? Aggressive. First time I saw my best friend in a few weeks, we exchanged punches before we exchanged "hello"s.
How destructive would you say you are? Oh man, I haven't got to the point where I have snapped yet, but I'm sure I will. But when it happens, I hope it'll be awesome.
Group person or loner? Loner, by choice and not. Classmates are so unforgiving.
Body or mind? Mind, although a healthy body can help a healthy mind.
What's your favorite place in and around Silent Hill and why? Probably the other-world hospital. Hospitals are already full of dark secrets on their own, but at the Silent Hill magic to it just makes it something more terrifying. Also, it looks wicked cool.
You are a metaphor in somebody's nightmare. What do you stand for? Probably someone's guilt of hurting someone or something that could not fight back, or it was severely unmatched (like a child against an adult). I have no sympathy for people like that, they deserve whatever they get.
If given the choice, which sin would you like to represent? Wrath, for obvious reasons.
And lastly, please tell us a joke. Who has green fingers that smells like pig?
Kermit the frog.