Now beat that. Your mother's saying, Go to College! So you finish college and it's wonderful. You feel so good. And after all that partying and crazin', and don't forget about that drug habit you picked up at school being around your peers. So now you can get that 25 thou job a year that you wanted, and you can spend all your money on crack cocaine. But it'll be your money. No more borrowing from mom for my high! Now you get your degree tattooed on your BACK you're so excited about it
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Holy shit katie, i thought you wrote that yourself and i was all set to be fucking impressed, but it was kanye. Although it takes a special kind of skill to pick an appropriate quote. Rats off. I might be selling clinique this summer. That means i get to hang out in randhurst mall in my very own white lab coat. worrrrrrrd.
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