so i saw saves the day last night, it was really killer guy... they played mostly older songs off of the first three records and like... 2 from the new one. right on
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hey, this is mike, emily twombly's roommate. i don't know if i even know you but i happened across this entry off her "friends" page. that guy is someone to watch out for... he hits on college guys and tries to take them out to dinner or buy them booze, probably with some severe ulterior motives.... i know several people he's done it to, and it's pretty much common knowledge that he's a total wingnut. i don't think he's violent or anything, but best bet is to stay away.
this has been a public service announcement from a guy you may not even know, about crazy sexual predators. carry on with your daily activities.
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this has been a public service announcement from a guy you may not even know, about crazy sexual predators. carry on with your daily activities.
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