Title: Family!Verse - Jerk, Meet Your Future Husband
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Yunho and Jaejoong are not (unfortunately)
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Changmin tells Jiyul about how her parents met.
A six-year-old Jiyul walks into her Uncle Changmin’s room, teary-eyed and confused, hugging her worn Bambi stuffed toy to her chest.
Changmin looks at her, shocked, before pushing his work aside and dropping down onto his knees in front of her, smiling broadly before pulling her into a soft hug.
“What’s wrong, Baby-Yul?”
“Why is Appa always so mwean to Daddy on their Annibwersary?” She mumbles, burying her head into his shoulder.
“Mean?” Changmin asks, confusion marring his face as he recalls his Hyungs sucking face and whispering sweet nothings to each other nearly ten minutes ago, “When was Appa being mean to your Daddy?”
Jiyul’s lower lip trembles.
“I saw Appa writing on Daddy’s cake…and just like ebery ywear, he wote ‘Happy Annibwersary, Jwerk” on it and I remwembwer my teacher saying that it was a bad word when I called Soojoonie that on her bwirthday.”
Changmin chokes.
“It is a bad word, Baby-Yul. So you shouldn’t use it on anyone anymore, okay?”
“Then why dwoes Appa use it?” she asks, eyes red.
“Because Appa isn’t trying to hurt your Daddy, Baby-Yul. It’s okay for your Appa to call Daddy that because he’s saying it out of love and in memory of the fact that it was the first thing your Appa called your Daddy when they first met.”
“Appa was mwean to Daddy when they first met?”
Changmin nods with a nostalgic smile, “Do you want to hear about how they met?”
He watches happily as Jiyul’s eyes lit up in curiosity and nodded.
“Sorry…” Yunho mumbled, leaning over to pick up the other’s books and spectacles.
“Can’t you watch where you’re going?” The shorter male huffed, completely annoyed, “And you’d think I’m the one wearing the glasses.”
“I said I was sor-“
“Save it. Thanks to you, I’m already late for my first class. Stupid, shitty ass day. Can you just get out of my way?”
Yunho frowns, torn between being amused and angry at the other’s attitude.
“Now wait just a damn-“
“Jaejoong-Hyung!!” A voice called, followed by hurried footsteps and a tall lanky frame.
“Oh, Changmin-ah…” Jaejoong smiled, relieved to see the familiar face of his cousin.
“We’re late for class! A senior told me that the teacher’s a real Jerk. If we don’t hurry in we’re going to be in some serious shit!”
Jaejoong huffed, “I was hurrying before this Jerk walked right into me.”
“Gah, Hyung, it doesn’t matter! Let’s go!”
Yunho watched, deadpanned, as the two boys scrambled into the classroom and shook his head in exasperation. Four years younger and infinitely more inane. Unbelievable.
He sighed before hoisting his backpack over his shoulder and walking into the classroom behind them.
A few people who recognized him smiled and waved demurely.
He smiled back at them before walking up to the teacher’s desk and dropping his bag at the foot of the chair.
The class quietened down and Yunho gained the satisfaction of hearing two familiar people gasp in horror.
“Good morning everyone, my name is Jung Yunho and I’m going to be your Literature teacher for the entirety of your torturous journey through University.”
He waited for any sound of protest.
“Students who’ve, fortunately, come into the wrong class, leave now. “
Yunho waited patiently as four relieved looking boys scampered out.
“The rest of you…” he smiled again (and Jaejoong swore he could hear his classmates whimper in longing and fear), “Welcome to Purgatory.”
A few nervous laughs followed and Yunho sent them an encouraging grin.
“Well, since I’m only around four years older than most of you, you’ll can call me ‘Yunho’.”
He smirked.
“Jaejoong and Changmin-ssi, on the other hand, are free to call me ‘Jerk’, if they’d like, since they seemed so adamant about it before we entered class.”
There’s a collective rumble of laughter as two embarrassed groans echoed through the hall.
“Now then, let’s begin with class, shall we?”
And Jaejoong banged his head against the table in resignation and mumbled - “Well, fuck.”
End Flashback
“And you’re Appa banged his head against the table and said ‘Oh, Fudge Popsicle,’ embarrassed that he’d called his teacher and your Daddy a Jerk to his face. But ever since then, your Appa has always called your Daddy that word on their anniversary, to remind him of how they met.”
Jiyul put her hand on her mouth and giggled.
“Daddy must’ve really mwade fun of Appa for that.”
“Whenever he got a chance.”
“So thwen how did thwey gwet togwether?”
“Ah…” Changmin mumbles, thinking of his pending work, “How about I tell you that little story before bed time, hmm?”
Jiyul pouts. So much like her Appa.
“Okway, bwut you pwomise?”
“Sure thing, Baby-Yul, I promise.”
She smiles a gapped-tooth smile at her uncle before tottering off to her Appa for more information, sneakily wondering if she’d manage to get a lick out of the delicious cake too.
A/N Isn't Baby-Yul so much cuter xD And my ovaries are on fire looking at that gif, so forgive me for being tempted on using it.