Tagged by
venta. Apparently these are the rules:
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
1. How many clowns would it take to freak you out?
What a peculiar question. They don't particularly bother me, but I suppose it would be somewhat disturbing if every single person I saw over the course of five or ten minutes wandering through town was a clown. I mean, flash mobs are one thing, but they're usually accompanied by bemused spectators.
2. What is your favorite card game?
Patience. Or possibly Oh Hell. I don't play card games very often. Quite enjoying Dominion at the moment, but I suspect the question's meant to be about a standard deck.
3. Tea or coffee?
Coffee if I expect it to be good, tea if the coffee option's actually just instant. Or sometimes just anyway.
4. Five things you can touch right now without getting up.
Laptop (obviously), stereo remote, couch, envelope that used to contain a bill from the accountant (oops I should throw that out), "People Skills" (book).
5. You have to be somewhere on the fourth floor of a building. Do you take the lift/elevator?
Well, I just took the stairs to get to the third floor of this one.. Stairs if I can get to them easily, but they're frequently hidden.
6. How do you feel about your reflection?
Hair's a bit receded, and tummy's not quite as flat as I'd like, but generally I'm pretty happy about it.
7. What did you last eat?
A piece of that apricot & coconut slice you buy by the kg. from the supermarket.
8. What noise, if any, does your phone make when it rings?
Currently the standard iPhone 'Sonar' noise. I did have the title music from BSG for a while, a couple of phones ago.
9. Dog person or cat person?
Cat person, but only other people's cats. If I was to ever get a pet it would live in a tank or terrarium. I'm quite partial to visiting Meercats and Firefoxes at the zoo.
10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?
Same as
venta - turn it in and hope no one claims it.
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
A crispy bacon bagel to share with
rabbit1080 for lunch.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
London, Perth, Melbourne or Sydney. Still working from home, still dancing and cycling and doing yoga.
14. Last book you read?
I re-read Banks' "Player of Games," this time on my iPhone. I think I still prefer paperbacks to ebooks if I'm not travelling - one gets a better sense for how far through the book one is. Nice having a search function, mind.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
I haven't looked that far ahead yet. It'd be nice to fit in some clubbing and some rollerblading
16. What's your dream job?
C64 demo coder. But I don't think you can get paid to do that.
17. How are you?
Bit tired, and I've got sore legs. Yoga's going to be hard work tonight, both mentally and physically.
This is the bit where I'm meant to tag people, but I'm going to break the rules and just ask you to answer the questions if you're looking for an excuse to write a post.