Title: So, So Romantic
Category: Super Junior
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: G/PG-13
Characters: Ryeowook, Yesung, and others
Pairings: Henwook-ish
Summary: Ryeowook ponders on whether or not to confess to Henry while Yesung eggs him on.
Chapter 1
Ryeowook glares. He glares from the kitchen and frowns at the general direction of the playful group that consists of Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, and Henry with Siwon, Shindong, and Kyuhyun near them doing their own things in the living room.
They’re too close together. Why is he snuggling up to him? He glares harder. Maybe if he glares hard enough he could-
“You know,” A low voice from Ryeowook’s side spoke up, startling him out of his little glare fest, “If you glare any harder, I think they’ll notice you.”
“Ah, Yesung-hyung,” Ryeowook blinked at him. “What do you mean?”
Yesung stares unblinkingly at him. Ryeowook held back a shiver, even if he was a real close friend of his, Yesung had this weird thing that makes people get the goose bumps.
“What I mean, is that you’re very obvious right now. Being jealous.”
“Jealous?” Ryeowook asks as he rolls his eyes, “What makes you think that?”
“From the way you were glaring at Donghae, it seems very obvious that it’s like you wanted to kill him or something for being near Henry.”
“No, I don’t want to kill Donghae, why would I do that?” Ryeowook frowns at the suggestion. “It’s not a nice thing to do. Eunhyuk-hyung and Kibum will be so sad. Heechul would lose his favorite and everyone won’t be happy. They will all miss him.”
Yesung looks at him. Ryeowook stares back.
“I just want to hurt him a little, just a little. Maybe give him some food poisoning or something.”
Yesung raises one eyebrow at him.
“Fine, I would like to hurt him. A lot.”
“There you go,” Yesung nods and gives a pat Ryeowook on the shoulder, “Now that you admit you were jealous, try to control it and be less obvious. Than do something to confess.”
“But-but,” Ryeowook whines to the older man and gives him one of his best adorable pouts while looping his arms around Yesung, tugging him closer. “I can’t. I mean, I don’t even know if he’s into men or not. For all we know, he can be straight and if I confess our friendship can be ruined and-and all things can go wrong!”
Yesung stares at him before rolling his eyes. “You sound just like Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk at this stage.”
“This stage?” Ryeowook look at him with a confused expression. “What stage?”
“What you did just right now,” Yesung nods. “Then the jealousy stage, then the sulking stage, then the gathering courage stage, then the confessing stage, and then maybe the happiness or sadness stage.”
Ryeowook stares at him with wonder before narrowing his eyes when he saw Yesung blank expression twitch a bit. “You just made that up!”
Yesung gave a short bark of laugh and gave his friend a smile. “I did except for your ‘might ruin friendship if I confess’ part. But I did listen to enough of Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk with their troubles. I guess it’s your turn. I’ll be a good hyung and will help you like I did for Kyuhyun.”
Ryeowook sighs exasperatedly before giving Yesung a big smile. “What about Eunhyuk-hyung? Didn’t you help him too?”
Yesung chuckled darkly, giving Ryeowook the creeps. “I only left some hints to Donghae and Kibum, they did the rest on their own. They are quite brutal when they really want something bad.”
“Yeah…” Ryeowook edge away discreetly and slowly. “I guess.”
Ryeowook just thinks, just a tiny bit of him, that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell Yesung everything.