There was certainly a level of "what - again? Really? Did you learn nothing, meat-head?"
AS you say, the fall out around him is going to hurt many people who have wished no harm to anyone and done nothing but be supportive friends. That's biggest reason I want to bang his head against the ground yelling 'No! Bad!'
I heard the gossip, and thought I'd check in to see how you were doing. I imagine this is bringing up some unpleasant stuff for you, and I wanted to say that I'm thinking of you. This particular leopard isn't changing his spots, but at least maybe this time more people will know what they're dealing with. And like you, I'm not surprised. Take care of yourself.
Very true, but I'm sure that there are strong support networks activating to look after W, which is good. Regardless of the past, I am saddened that she is having to experience this.
I'm starting to think that he really has a psychological problem, like some sort of addiction to attention........ You are handling this like a true lady, my dear, with grace.
And it was a surprise to her?
June 16 2014, 13:44:51 UTC
Hugs. Hope that the flashbacks aren't too bad. It's really the innocent bystanders that I feel for..again.. Mari did a nice posting on Facebook about relationships and both parties understanding what is expected vs lies.
To almost totally change the subject.. Have you seen Malificient yet?
Re: And it was a surprise to her?shu_shu_sleepsJune 17 2014, 02:54:43 UTC
Thank you :) it threw me a little yesterday, and I had to exert actual effort to concentrate on my job, but I agree, the fall out is constantly slapping those people who are innocent bystanders.
Malificent - no not yet, but it is on the agenda for this weekend :)
I logged into LJ for the first time in months to send you some love and light. I thought this debacle might be challenging for you. I'm glad you're doing ok.
I have no idea what the particulars are around the break-up, and I have no reason to know (thank the gods).
Be gentle with yourself, this may bring up stuff you weren't expecting as it plays out. *hugs*
Thank you for thinking of me, also heard from Duchess Y fairly early yesterday and we had a long conversation. I was reassured to hear that The roses are also looking after Countess E.
Comments 21
AS you say, the fall out around him is going to hurt many people who have wished no harm to anyone and done nothing but be supportive friends. That's biggest reason I want to bang his head against the ground yelling 'No! Bad!'
You are handling this like a true lady, my dear, with grace.
And thank you.
To almost totally change the subject.. Have you seen Malificient yet?
Malificent - no not yet, but it is on the agenda for this weekend :)
I have no idea what the particulars are around the break-up, and I have no reason to know (thank the gods).
Be gentle with yourself, this may bring up stuff you weren't expecting as it plays out. *hugs*
And will be gentle with myself :)
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