She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know...

Jun 11, 2004 23:14

=Random questions=

What's on your bedside table?: magazines & books, phone, & alarm clock
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: leftovers from work or whatever I see first
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: steel magnolias
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: nose
What is your biggest fear?: BIRDS! And dying without ever kissing that one guy
What feature are you most insecure about?: my appearance
Do you ever have to beg?: haha yep
Are you a pyromaniac?: of course
Do you have too many love interests?: brandy says I do..i think I just like to keep my options open
Do you know anyone famous?: umm..not that I know of I don’t think
Spontaneous or plain?: a little bit of both I’d say
Do you know how to play poker?: sure do
What do you carry with you at all times?: my cell phone
How do you drive?: w/ the bass up
What do you miss most about being little?: nap time!
Are you happy with your given name?: not so much
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: $98765432198765432109876543210987654321 x 9572347237597581279823758
What color is your bedroom?: an ugly pinkish-rose color
Have you ever been in a play?: yeah when I was like 10..mrs.clause in the woolridge christmas holla
Who are your good friends?: they know who they are
Do you talk a lot?: stupid question to ask me..DUH!
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: occassionally
Do you think you're cute?: I attempt
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: haha yeah but I can be a little bitchy at times
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: well I have no girlfriend, I have no boyfriend, soooo I’m gonna go with friends!

so it's been awhile. yesterday was really my last day of school school, today i had my journalism exam..SO easy..and then had some history & mass comm to do. history it was me, jenn(for a lil),sara,terry,brandon,vincent,ricky, & then hoof until hinckle got there..we just kinda chilled and did nothing. then in mass comm me, jill, sara, meagan, longypoo,tommy, & drew watched What Women Want bc they use macs in it and they work at an advertising company..hahahaha naw i think mr.long just wanted watch that movie.

monday is my spanish exam..its so hard, ive been told..ah! kinda scared! and then monday night at 7 is graduation :'( i'm so sad, i dont want my buds to leave me next year! and ugh, i cant go see them walk across the stage b/c i have to work 4:30-10!!! :-0 that sucks too much..but this summer is gonna be sweeeeet! and yeah, once again, i like a senior who has no freakin' idea (ohwell) but he's awesome & we have a good time together when we talk and see eachother... ah well its all good!

i think i'm done. i work tomorrow 12-5 and then goin to jess' graduation party. so long kids. :D <333
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