I just went and saw INCEPTION at the movies with Ness et al.
It was pretty damn good.
And now I go into
From pretty early on I got the feeling that there were going to be extra levels above where we started the story.
And when Leonardo went under the first time from the Indian guy, it seemed really quick and we didn't see him disconnect from the dream world properly, so I thought that was maybe another level. It also seemed pretty likely early on that there would be a chance that his wife would be alive in a higher level.
The last scene seems to imply that the original world was fake, but I am not sure that this is the case.
Ryan pointed out that the spinner which "always stays upright and spins forever in the dream world" was falling over at the start of the film. Therefore I think that either:
a- The start of the film was the real world(WORLD A), and when they did the temporary attempt at trying the indian guy's super powerful sedatives, it in fact put them into (WORLD B), because it never explained how Leo got to the bathroom to wash his face a few moments later. Then at the end of the film, when they came out of WORLD C and ended up in the plane, they were actually in WORLD B, when people were assuming that we were in WORLD A. This explains why Leo was able to make the Totem fall over at the start of the movie and not at the end.
b- We start the movie one level below the real world (WORLD B) & there is a hole in the plot.
option a
WORLD A - Real World & world before taking Indians sedatives.
WORLD B - World where they setup the operation, where the plane is.
WORLD C - Warehouse/City/Train world
WORLD D - Hotel World
WORLD E - Ice / James Bond Evil base world
WORLD F - Leo and Marion's 'created' world
option b
WORLD A - Real World(maybe) & world that Marion Cotillard ascended to (that we never see in the movie).
WORLD B - World where they setup the operation, where the plane is, which we assume is the real world and has falling totems sometimes, and infinitely spinning ones other times.
WORLD C - Warehouse/City/Train world
WORLD D - Hotel World
WORLD E - Ice / James Bond Evil base world
WORLD F - Leo and Marion's 'created' world
Also, something I didn't like was that apparently going deeper than 3 levels would lead to them all going into limbo and going crazy if they died, however the way to exit the lower levels seemed to be to die in the dream. Not internally consistent.
It was a good film though. Not sure if those ideas made it through the keyboard very well, but that is what I think.