[First job]: babysitting
[First screen name]: JonnaZH
[First funeral]: my great uncles
[First pet]: the first one i remember is chester, but he was miranda's.. Mr. Big was my fikrst kitty
[First piercing/tattoo]: two tattoos
[First credit card]: haha, nope
[First Kiss]: a game of truth or dare when i was really young
[First one that mattered]: Carl
[First true love]: no true loves yet
[First enemy]: aj tennant
[First big trip]: iceland
[First concert]: Hanson baby
[First musician you remember hearing in your house]: the monkees
[First room color]: white
[First crush]: Jason
[First time drunk]: i dunno..
[First grade teacher]: Mrs.... uhh.. her name started with a K.. i didn't like her much
[Last car ride]: Driving home from maine
[Last magazine you read]: i think it was vanity fair.. my momma's
[Last card game played]: probably rummy
[Last call]: my cousin
[Last kiss]: Chris, unless you're talking about with tongue.. cause then it'd be colin
[Last library book checked out]: some christmas music books from school
[Last beverage drank]: water
[Last food consumed]: cookie
[Last time showered]: yesterday
[Last CD played]: FFVII Piano Collections
[Last annoyance]: My sister
[Last soda drank]: hmm.. probably diet coke
[Last ice cream eaten]: vanilla, i think
[Last shirt worn]: this light blue one i got on
1. How did Kurt Cobain's death affect you: not much
2. How many CD's do you own?: DLing is my god, but i have some CDs.. 20.. 30?
3. How many CD clubs do you belong to?: whats a CD club?
4. What is the most embarassing CD in your collection?: i dunno.. maybe my NSYNC one or something
5. Do you still listen to it?: haven't in a long time
6. What CD did you buy because you only liked one song but you ended up loving the whole CD?: ::Shrug::
7. What CD did you buy that was a total waste of money?: one of my Gravitation CDs.. it's all brackground music >_<
8. How old were you when you first started getting into music?: i dunno.. i remember playing the piano cuase my sister took lessons but hated it, but i learned from her books and these christmas ones we had.. i was wicked little, before school
9. Can you play an instrument?: yeah, a few
10. What song(s) do you always get stuck in your head?: it changes
11. What song can you just not stand?: most of the crud on the radio now a days
12. What group should be banned from the music scene?: dunno, i dont listen to mainstream whatever
14. What group do you listen to that no one else seems to like?: lol, well i got some of my friends into my jRockness, but most of them dont prefer it
15. What got you hooked on your all-time favorite group?: for a long time it was the long hair, but because they're not my absolute favorite anymore, i'd probably say.. the music, and the crazyness
16. When was the last time you bought a cassette?: holy shit, a long ass time ago
17. Rock/Pop: rock
18. Rap/R&B: R&B i suppose
19. Guitar/Piano: I can't choose, especially if it's acoustec guitar
20. Video/Audio: both together is a nice combo
21. CD/Cassette: CD
22. Sing Along/Listen: i always sing along, but i try to stay in the background most of the time
23. Acoustic/Electric: depends on my mood, but probably acoustic
24. Do you ever buy CDs for the cover & the curiosity of the design on the CD itself?: no
26. Do you focus more on the beat or the lyrics?: the music is what gets me. if i want to know what the hell the lyrics say i gotta look it up 98% of the time so to me.. it's the music
27. Do you listen to music you can relate to or just whatever sounds good?: probably more of what sounds good to me
28. Do curses in music bother you?: nah
29. Do you turn it up when your favorite song comes on?: lol, no i turn it off
30. Does any song remind you of events you've experienced?: numerous
*Have you ever*
1. Kissed your cousin: yeah, on the cheek
2. Ran away: Nope, but i thought about it
3. Pictured your crush naked: not really
5.Broken someone's heart: yeah
6. Been in love: i've loved, but haven't been IN love yet
7. Cried when someone died: yeah
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yup
9 Broken a bone: i fracured one
10. Lied: yeah
11. Cried in school: yup
12. Coke or Pepsi: diet pepsi
13. Sprite or 7UP: sprite
14. Girls or Guys: Guys
15. Flowers or candy: flowers
16. Scruff or Clean shaved: Shaved
19. Blondes or Brunettes: whatever, doens't matter
20. Bitchy or Slutty: probably bitchny.. you can't get STD's or pregnant by being bitchy
21. Tall or Short: Tall
22. Pants or Shorts: Pants are cool, but i like those shorts that go below the knees too (but not on me)
23. Your Good Luck Charm: dont have one
24. Person You Hate Most: avril lavine
25. Best Thing That Has Happened: going to college
26. Color: blue
27. Movie: Moulin Rouge, the Notebook, Princess Mononoke, moon Child, the list goes on
28. Subject in school: i'd say music but that would be all of them.. last semester it was.. i dunno @_@ not arranging.. god that class was boring
35. Juice: orange is yummy
36. Cars: my oldsmobile cutlass ciera.. but i REALLY want an old volks wagon bus
37. Food: i dunno...
41. Song: too many to choose from.. but i really like over the Rainbow right now
43. Makes you laugh the most: yo mommah
43. Makes you the funniest: ..uhh...what?
44. Makes you smile the most: yo mommah
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: yo mommah
46. Has a crush on you: yo mommah
47. Do you have a crush on: yo mommah
(MIA 48 n 49) <---- I have NO clue what that is... o_O
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: i used to
51. Save AOL conversations: yes, but they are AIM convos
52. Save Emails: some
53. Wish you were someone else: i like being me
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: just for a day
60. Kissed the same sex?: yup
61. Fallen for your best friend?: nope
62. Made out with JUST a friend?: not really..
63. Been rejected?: who hasen't?
64. Been in love?: not yet, damnit
65. Been in lust?: yeah
66. Used someone?: i would hope not
67. Been used: yeah
68. Cheated on someone?: never
69. Been cheated on?: yes
70. Been kissed: yes
71. Done something you regret?: yeah
72. You touched?: my mom
73. You talked to?: my mom
74. You hugged?: my mom
75. You instant messaged?: uhm.. i dont remember..
76. You kissed?: lol, refur to number 5 in the "Lasts" section
77. You had sex with?: no one
78. You yelled at?: dont remember
80. Who broke your heart?: Kevin
81. Told you loved?: my mom
82. Heard I love you From: my mom
82. Color your hair?: yes
83. Have tattoos: two
84. Have piercings?: no, why do you keep asking the same questions?
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: no
86. Own a webcam?: no
87. Own a thong?: no
88. Ever get off of the damn computer?: sometimes
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: ....what?
90. Habla espanol?: no
91. Quack?: . . .
*Have you/do you/are you*
92. Stolen anything?: yes
93. Smoke?: no
94. Schizophrenic?: no
95. Obsessive?: not really, except for juice drinks.. i gotta shake them before every sip
96. Compulsive?: dont think so
97. Obsessive compulsive?: refur to 95..?
98. Panic?: sometimes
99. Anxiety?: no
100. Depressed?: not right now
well that was fun