It's very quiet today. It's hard to think it could get any quieter.
[Filter: Bishop Sasarai]
Er, well... how are you? I mean... well, I hope you've been doing... as well as you can be doing.
I've heard about what's gone on from, er... from someone on the journals. I don't know who he is really, but he talks a lot to Futch and doesn't seem all that shy about addressing Luc and Sarah's Lady Leknaat... I don't quite understand what's happened... that is, I do understand, but I
Well, I mean, I don't understand
Oh, this is a wreck. I'm sorry. Everything's been in such an uproar lately, and now Lady Jillia's gone running off and I... I wanted to go after her, but I really can't. There's so few of us at Budehuc. When Cecile said that she'd been gone to Iksay, well, I knew she had been, but it made me realize how few we have here. I've heard Shiba and Peggi say they want to help out in the east, and it sounds like Maverick might as well, and that leaves only Cecile and maybe Nei and myself to defend the castle, I mean, not that there's much to defend. But... but still.
There's just so much I can't address and it's the worst feeling in the world, not being able to do anything. I've started worrying about everything... I realized the other day that even here might not be safe, though not because of attacks or anything... I mean, about the place itself, the land and ownership rights and all that. I don't know if I could deal with all that again, especially without Sebastian and Eike and Juan and all them. Not even Geddoe could help this time. No Fire Bringer. What am I going to do? We could go elsewhere, but that's the last thing Cecile and I need... this is all we have here. {unreadable}
I... oh, I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone on about all that, even knowing how badly things might be going for you. But I do hope that you're all right, and if you're not, I
Well, I suppose all I can do is send my well-wishing to you. I can't say I'd ever understand why what happened happened, I can't pretend I would. So I suppose this is the best I can do.
What will you do once you reach Harmonia again?