Okay, so here are some thoughts on the last book. I've split stuff into sections but it might still be a tad incoherent. XD; SPOILER ALERT!
Horcruxes and Hallows, oh my!
The whole search for the Horcruxes was kind of... bland? I don't know. I think fanfiction has sort of spoiled me in respects to the whole Great Horcrux Hunt thing. But the escape from Gringotts was nice and fun (A DRAGON! COME ON!). The whole Umbridge debacle was lacking too... I mean, they just stupefy her and then run? It's all kind of... anti-climatic. =S
Ah, and the whole Ron & Hermione going down to the Chamber of Secrets and destroying a Horcrux off screen doesn't sit too well with me. =S It just seems... wrong, some how. XD; I don't have a problem with each Horcrux getting destroyed by someone different, it's just... it'd be nice if we could see it all happen, you know? Haha.
I had a feeling that Harry would be the 7th Horcrux but at the same time I knew he couldn't die. Hahaha. Turns out these contradicting thoughts were both true!
The concept behind the Hallows was interesting and eerie. Especially Harry finally got a hold of The Resurrection Stone and walked through the forest with the ghosts of his loved ones while under his cloak... But I do wonder, what exactly would come about if Harry had went back for the stone instead of leaving it there. It'd be interesting to see what exactly the Deathly Hallows could do (or rather, if they would do something) if all three were gathered by one person.
Deja Vu: AKA Hey! I read that in a Fanfic! (Just for fun)
- The Seven Potters chapter. I've seen this used in both the way shown in the chapter and in war. For the latter scenario everyone fighting in the war was Polyjuiced as Harry so the Death Eaters wouldn't know who the real Harry was. Haha
- The whole Snape loved Lily thing! More specifically, Snape always seeing Lily every time he looked into Harry's eyes.
- Jealous!Petunia
- Naming Harry's kids after James, Lily, and Albus.
- Attack during Fleur and Bill's wedding.
- THE EPILOGUE ITSELF read like a bad fic. =(
NAMES, where does she think these up?
These two tied for top place: Xenophilius Lovegood and Scorpius Malfoy.
Harry Potter
Such an improvement from CAPSLOCK!Harry in OotP. *sporfle* I love how he handled the news that he had to die. I always knew he had it in him to be able to accept his death. Ah, but when he asks if it hurts to die... *sigh*
Well, Dumbledore even said it, Harry's the better man, and all that. He made a really good decision to tell Neville about Nagini.
However, I wanted to kick Harry at some points. I'd keep thinking "GO TO THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS, YOU IDIOT!!" XD;
Ah, and when he comes out and Crucio's Carrow after he insults McG? *glee*
Severus Snape
And Severus/Lily fans everywhere rejoice at CANON!ship. ~_~; While the whole S/L thing wasn't bad, it just... I don't know. It still seems kind of sketchy to me. It read like a fanfic--of course, not nearly as horrible as the epilogue (ow, ow, owwww). But at least the whole "Sev" thing cracked me up. ;D
Actually, the first thing I wanted to say was I KNEW IT!!!!! I knew Dumbly's death was All In The Plan.
Dumbledore really did say it all though, "Poor Severus" (578 CDN). He really drew the short end of the stick. Bad family/home life, bad Hogwarts life, unrequited love, losing his 'best friend', his whole role in the entire war, dying a stupid and imho, needless death... He didn't even get to live a post Voldy life even though he contributed so much to the light side... =(
Speaking of his death... yes, there's irony in how such a Slytherin like Snape died by a snake but come on... If anyone deserves to live it's him. XD;
I'd love to see a post-war Hogwarts with Snape as Headmaster---and doing a damn good job of it (especially with the Carrows off the staff). And could you imagine how Snape would feel if Harry still named his son "Albus Severus"? I'm sure he'd find it at least a little insulting. I mean, come on, his name given to a Potter?!?! Hur hur hur.
Albus Dumbledore
Wow. I never expected to get such a back story on Dumbly. A lot of it was really unexpected, but then I think we all kind of knew that he had some skeletons in his closet. I know he said that Harry was better than him, but I think it still takes a really good man to know that he can't be trusted with so much power and to deny himself the chance to go down that road. That is what really makes Dumbledore someone to respect, not all of the awards and prestige he achieved.
I'll admit that I did think Dumbledore was a bit of an ass with the way he delt with Snape. Seriously, being told "You disgust me," (543 CDN) by Dumbledore... Bah. Hahaa
I laugh because now there's going to be an increase of Grindelwald/Dumbledore slash. My inner eye said so. :P
Well, I really just wanted to point this out. VOLDY/BELLA. Yes or no? Hahahaa.
"Bellatrix's gloating smile froze, her eyes seemed to bulge: for the tiniest space of time she knew what had happened, and then she toppled, and the watching crowd roared, and Voldemort screamed." (590 CDN)
That was a scream of a man mourning the death of his lover. *snigger* AHAAHAHA.
Draco Malfoy
I am sad that he still doesn't get fleshed out very much but then, the fact that JKR gave Draco a receeding hairline at aged 36 doesn't make me feel the love, so I'm not surprised. XD; I am, however, very glad that he made it out alive. :D I felt so sorry for him in the first chapter having to sit there with Voldy and the Death Eaters for company.
My inner HD fangirl squeed a few times in this, like when he didn't give Harry away when they were brought to Malfoy Manor. I'm pretty sure he knew who Harry was, I mean, look!
"Harry saw Draco's face up close, now, right beside his father's. They were extraordinarily alike, except that while his father looked beside himself with excitement, Draco's expression was full of reluctance, even fear.
'I don't know,' he said, and walked away..." (372 CDN)
Hell, when Harry overpowered Draco and started using his wand I laughed out right at all the blatant subtext. *snicker* Also, the fact that it was the "friendlier" wand amuses me.
Ah, and when Harry saves Draco's life not once, but twice? Well,
"Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt." (509 CDN)
And I don't think I need to say anymore about that, do I? Hahahaa (Seriously, HP corrupted me into the ways of Slash. Had I never discovered HP fanfiction...)
This all really does reaffirm my opinion that Draco wants those important to him to be safe even though he kind of sucks at keeping them safe. The way he clung on to Goyle in the Room of Requirement, the way he worked for Voldy in sixth year because really, his whole family was on the line, and the way he stood up to Harry when his father was put into Azkaban... Not to mention the way he screamed and screamed at Crabbe not to kill Harry ♥. HAHAAHA all of it makes me wibble at Draco. D:
I am kind of disappointed there wasn't any Draco and Severus interaction though. =(
Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy
THEY LIVED! YAY. Once again, family's important. I loved, loved, loved it when Narcissa bends down, asks Harry if Draco is alive, and then proceeds to lie to ol' Voldy. ♥ And Lucius running around during the battle trying to find his son (while a little iffy) gave me nice warm and fuzzy feelings. XD;;
And the whole family's oppression once Voldy and co. where camped out in their Manor? WIBBLE. I JUST WANTED DOBBY TO TAKE THEM AWAY. T_T
(And they wouldn't even have to be Redeemed!Malfoys. What, with Harry being willing to save anyone regardless of who they are. Unless, of course, they happened to be named Bellatrix Lestrange.)
Ron Weasley
I knew he'd get fed up. And I knew he'd be back. Obviously not exactly how, but I knew he would come back. The only thing I have trouble with is the whole Parseltongue thing. Yes, others mentioned how JKR set him up for it, what with the imitations he did and what not, but I still don't buy it. >_>;
Hermione Granger
I'm glad they JKR put that bit about what Hermione did to keep her parents safe. They seem to get the brush off quite a bit... Ah, and once again that side of Hermione that thinks she knows better got on my nerves. Everytime she told Harry that there wasn't anything at Hogwarts I wanted to smack her. XD; There's obviously something at Hogwarts. ~_~; But I won't deny that it was good because it "slowed Harry down" like Dumbledore wanted (if my memory serves me correctly). I don't think things would have worked out as well if they went to Hogwarts first. =P
Fred & George Weasley
AHH. T_T. At first when George came half-carried by Lupin and bleeding I was filled with dread, thinking "NO! You can't split up the twins!" and then JKR has to go off and Fred. T_T I feel so sad for George. It's impossible to think of one twin without the other... The one thing about the twins is that when they're joking, you know things are better but... I just can't see George joking around and laughing nearly as much without Fred around.
And Fred's death... that last line was heart breaking. All I can say is that at least he died in a moment of happiness. ='(
"Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face." (512 CDN)
Molly Weasley
Okay, she really annoyed me at the beginning when she wouldn't leave the Trio alone (although I do understand where she was coming from). However, Molly totally pwning Bellatrix? Awesome.
OMG. That came out of no where. and. just. YES. Hahaha
Percy Weasley
Oh Perce, I knew you'd be back and I love love love that you made it in time so that Fred's death was so much better than it could have been. ♥
Ginny Weasley
I'm sorry, but I have to say it. Did she get a little more annoying? >_>;; Her jealousy causing her to suggest that Luna take Harry to Ravenclaw instead of Cho made me roll my eyes. x_x;; Hahaha.
I'm kind of surprised though, that she didn't have a bigger part in the 7th book. I'd rather have had her do something than just have Harry pining after her. =P And Harry's birthday present? Puh-lease. XD hahaha.
Remus Lupin & Nymphadora Tonks
Okay, so the whole parallel between Harry and Sirius and the godson thing was all set up but really, did Lupin and Tonks have to die?! Their deaths didn't even get any limelight. It was just like "Oh, by the way, they died. *shrug* Just some casualties of war, no biggy." =(
Yeah, the Marauders are finally back together but... couldn't Lupin's death at least been handled better?
Tonks... well, Tonks has always just been another character to me. (Horrible, I know.) >__>; I still think their relationship was pretty forced and not really close. It was like they were just thrown together and thought "let's see if this works." I honestly don't think Lupin would have suggested going with the Trio when he did if he loved Tonks enough. (Wouldn't it make sense for him to stay with her and help protect her and their child?)
Luna Lovegood
Oh Luna. ♥ I'd totally ship Harry/Luna. HAHAHA.
Her room and the non-moving portraits of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Nevile, and the word friends repeated over and over again in the chains linking those pictures... ♥♥♥. Harry wasn't the only one to feel "a great rush of affection for Luna." (339 CDN) XD; It's just so... sweet. ♥ :D
Neville Longbottom
Oh Neville, ♥ he finally got to kick ass. XD Hahaha. I'm so glad that he was finally able to come out of his shell and his Gran... *cracks up*
I don't even need to mention the Nagini scene do I? And after the battle when people are crowded around Neville and the Sword of Gryffindor... *cracks up again*
The Slytherin Students
Okay, rounding up all of the Slytherin students to be taken away when Pansy (AND ONLY PANSY) opens her big mouth? Nice, JKR. *rolls eyes* What if some of the other Slytherins wanted to help Hogwarts?! Where's the house unity in all of this? I see biases are still running amuck! The Sorting Hat is disappointed. ;_;
The Sorting Hat / Sword of Gryffindor
On that note, DID THE SORTING HAT DIE?! (Can animate objects die?!) Last we see is Neville pulling out the Sword of Gryffindor while it was ON FIRE. D: D: D:
AND HEY! I thought Griphook had the sword? WTF? PLOT HOLE?!?! Or is there something to do with the Sorting Hat and it's ability to retrieve it for whoever is in great need of it? If that's the case, I wonder how Griphook feels about that. XD;
OH GOD. T_T At first I was thinking "No way, he died?!?!"... It didn't really hit me until Harry started digging his freaking grave. It made me cry. And oh man, it hurt so much reading his epitaph.
Here lies Dobby, a Free Elf. (389 CND)
This had to be the saddest death in DH. The rest were kind of out there---with all the deaths going on and how out of it Harry was (half of the time), all the distance made those deaths seem pretty pointless. But gaaah, Dobby... T_T
...He's actually pretty fantastic. =) I laughed so hard when he came out leading the house elves in the final battle.
"Fight! Fight! Fight for my master, defender of house-elves! Fight the Dark Lord, in the name of brave Regulus! Fight!" (589 CDN)
GOLDEN. *snicker* Oh, Kreacher ♥. (NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE DAY...)
It was pretty sad though, that he spent all that time trying to finish Regulus' orders. There he is, a loyal house elf trying to finish his favourite Master's last wish, but never succeeding. Just think of how long he's been feeling as if he failed Regulus--no wonder he was such an asshat prior to DH. :'(
...That's enough for now right? *dies* This took longer to type out than I thought it would. x_x
This post on my blogger account is more coherent and in actual paragraphs. :O! Hahaha. There is some stuff I didn't elaborate on in this post but it focuses on mostly the same things.