And so I'm here after months of inactivity after work, and more importantly, laziness.
Today is Chap Goh Meh. Last day of Chinese New Year celebrations, which were awesome by the way, even if I did miss out on the class' gathering. Good news was I saw my nephews and niece again. They've grown so much. The girl will be one pretty young lady one day. Seeing them made me realise that I'm really not getting any younger though. =(. I want to stop growing already. lol.
Today's also my last day of work. Working at a photo studio is most parts boring. And then there are the customers, some nice, some pesky and some downright weird. One of the more memorable situations is when they have a photo that is in landscape orientation and they want it to be developed in potrait orientation. All you have to do is turn it around people! Once I said that and she was like, "But...oh." XD. And there are the people who act like they know everything. One guy asks to view a larger version of a photo. So I click it. And he's horrified, "NO NO NO, I'm not developing that, I just want to see it." =.= And I'm supposed to show it to you how? Urgh, people, please. My bosses, (yea I have two) are nice people though). The following is a simple toy I played with when I was bored. Simple, but fun. I was so happy when I finished it that my boss told me to take a photo of it. Haha. And so I did. Ain't it pretty?
More pluses about a job. THE SALARY! I bought a pair of adidas shoes with my salary. They're white and I kind of bought it in the children's department.(The size is 5 1/2 by US standards). =O So if your little brother or sister or little cousin has a pair that looks exactly the same, please don't mention it. Seriously. I'd like to think mine are unique. haha. Here, have a picture.
My boss accidentally stepped on them the other day and I did an imitation of The Scream in my mind for about 5 minutes. My mum once asked me if I wanted kitchen wrap to wrap the shoes in. My brother wanted to know if I wanted to frame them. XD
So school starts tomorrow, and so my first non-academic meeting. I was volunteered, no I didn't volunteer, I was volunteered to be the next Secretary II of the Karate Club, and I know nuts about Karate. Thank you Lu Wee! Haha, just kidding. I know you'll read this sooner or later, so don't feel bad. I'm used to you coercing me. Like the time you and Miss Hannah ganged up on poor me. Boohoo.
So friends, see you all tomorrow.