Feb 03, 2011 17:32

Cooking with Shul.

I know, scary way to start an entry, especially since I'm not very good at cooking. Let me clarify this for you: it generally takes me at LEAST two attempts to make Ramen noodles. I really do want to learn to cook though, and so I continue to try.

Step 1:
Acquire proper music. Aka, Jrock central.

Step 2:
Thaw meat.

I understand the chicken and turkeys EXPLODE when not all the way thawed, so I'm not taking chances...

Step 3:
Search for things you bought weeks ago that your roommate cleverly put away.

Step 4:
Get temporarily distracted by Tatsuro and Blogs about Monkeys Vs Robots

Step 5:
Brown your meat. Aka cook it mostly dead. Note: Meat requires more spices then you think cause it's greedy.

SIDENOTE: at this point, I still don't actually know what I'm making, so I reached out to Twitter and Facebook for opinions and Twitter won with Meatballs, while facebook came in second with Mexican Lasagna. Don't worry facebook, you'll get your lasagna some day.

-5 minutes later-

SIDENOTE TWO: Meatballs don't require browned meat, so Facebook won because of my fail.

Step 6:
Reread the Mexican Lasagna recipe and run around gathering those ingredients.

Step 7:
Revisit Step 3 then realize that Clever Roommate had you put your own food away so you'd be able to find it easier when you need it. Clever Roommate ≠ Clever Shul.

Step 8:
Check to see if meat is thoroughly cooked. I prefer by taste. If you die from it, it's not cooked all the way. If finished, drain then return to pot and add in other stuff you're supposed to add by following directions.

Step 9:
Grate cheese.

At my mom's house, we have Abby who is a major fan of cheese in the sense that Aoi is a major fan of Chopper. However, Abby doesn't have cheese underwear and Aoi doesn't eat Chopper. But you get the point. My mom gets helpers to grate cheese for her. I get these guys.

Who are no help because they don't have thumbs.

Step 10:
Mix the ricotta blend.

At this point, my followers have dwindled to one remaining hopeful individual.

Step 11:
Layer the stuff. Despite the fact that it doesn't look like it'll be enough... it's enough. Don't get creative and add random stuff that MIGHT help it. I know this from experience. There's only two things in the whole cooking thing that there can never be enough of and that is BUTTER, and CHEESE. Obviously I'm not using butter in this recipe, but I can add extra cheese!

Step 12:
Preheat oven and stare at pan. Is it going to explode? I dunno I've never made this before D: LOL....

Comfort self with Reeses and check the Heresy News, and fashion blogs. Thinking about new hair too... been stuck on the red choppy for a while, but need something new I think. Been debating back to black.

Step 13:
Put pan in oven, set timer and go do something else.

Was I successful?? I dunno yet, but I'll definitely let you know when I eat it later!

cooking with shul

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