(no subject)

Nov 01, 2004 09:16

This blog will have to do with the following: Liz going trick or treating, many perverted thoughts, and obsession with frogs. Halloween will never be the same again. Me and Liz were at Richmond Centre, walking around aimlessly. Well, before that, I was waiting for Liz, and a scary old man with a palm pilot sat beside me. I didn't know old people were advanced!

So we began to walk around, looked at Liz's pictures... We were counting how many stores didn't give out candy. And the answer was: MANY. It was so sad. The dental store didn't give out candy either! It was all, "Sorry, we don't have candy." Well, for that, no one went into their stores. Take that! Then we went to McDonalds and got way too creative. We're going to start a clothing line with subliminally dirty messages. Example: "Do not disturb, Meiosis in progress." Then me and Liz discussed how we were sad, because all our friends have stalkers, but we don't. Yes, we're insane.

At Spencers, we saw so many dirty things. There were dirty keychains, and grinding teddy bears, tee hee. It was beautiful. but it was HILLARIOUS. Liz was like, "OMFG! THAT GUY IS A PIMP!" .... *long pause*. Liz: "Wait. I think that's just Willy Wonker."

Oh dear. And near McDonalds, they had those little riding machines, and it was so disturbing! There was a duck, and another was a frog. Then there was this, kangaroo thingy. And it was belly up. AND YOU RODE IT BELLY UP. Me and Liz were like, "OMG, SO DIRTY!" This all happened after I bought my G Pocky from the "Asian Speciality Store." HAHA The label was, "G Pocky. Hard and Rich." Sorry. Pervertedness is getting to me. So, um it's a bit late for a warning, but if you're not perverted, don't read this. Me and Liz tend to go really perverted when we're together. Then we went to look at kittens... some dude asked us to carry the kittens, we got scared... inched away slowly. We also tried to make the Venus Flytraps move, but they wouldn't, and we were saddened, and we went. Then I made Liz smell Axe Deo at Shoppers... And Liz picked up stuffed donkey, and the ear said, "press here." Liz pressed it... and it started singing LOUDLY a Christmas song.

While walking to the washrooms, we see this guy looking like GACKT. Down to the makeup. He had the same makeup as Gackt. Sorry guys, we didn't have a digicam OR a camera phone. BUT we did see the SAME short shorts man we saw in August, when Talia, Wy, and Mandy were with us. IT WAS THE SAME GUY. AGAIN. AT SECOND CUP OF COFFEE.

We saw this pumpkin activity. It was painting pumpkins! So me and Liz were like, "Are we too old?" *Looks around, all kids are seven or under*. We decide to line up anyways, and we end up painting a frog on one side of the pumpkin, and (VAL READ THIS!) we painted Vanness on the other side. And then we gave the pumpkin a unibrow, and we wrapped white fur around the stem, and we gave it chest hair. Oh, and we gave the frog sideburns. Then some adults looked at us, *glared*, and said in chinese, "gum da gor do wan?" (They're so old! And they're still doing this?!") Then we left him to dry, and continued walking around aimlessly.

We spent some time at Claire's looking at sumbliminally dirty things again. After getting my cup of coffee, we sat on the benches. We noticed all these little kids coming, and we dazzled by the mysterious dissapearing garbage bag. *we look, it's there.* *we look away* *we look back. IT'S GONE!* *we look back... it's there!* Then we saw a FORTY YEAR OLD LADY TRICK OR TREATING. So I used my G Pocky bag and forced Liz to start trick or treating. She looks 11 okay?! but one evil lady was like, "how old are you?" Liz laughed and inched away. Then we started trick or treating everywhere... we wanted balloons, but they closed down!!!!!! *TEAR* But it was sooooo fun. LITTLE KIDS are violent. And they're parents are even worse. Fat men should not be allowed in stores. They push. and they CRUSH me. I got my face slammed against the Aritzia window. Harumph.
I'm pretty sure I forgot some important things. O well. I'm going to have to force Liz to take a picture of the pumpkin we did.
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