Update: It's under an hour til midnight as I write this, Atlantic time. Unless you get your prompt in within the next 55 minutes, prompts are now closed. Finished pieces will follow - anthology submission is out of the way, so I can work on them a little easier now
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Comments 22
Dancing in and out of the shadows
Turning the earth and dreaming of harvest
Talking to Gaia
Dancing in and out of the shadows
"Assignation" (591 words)
"Omens of Spring" (564 words)
It's not an existing setting, no; all very spur-of-the-moment. I took the fairly iconic (I think) notions of a chieftain and a wise woman and sex-swapped them, but other than that it kind of just came together on its own.
Visiting home to help with the harvest or planting
Turning of the season, crisp air and cool nights
Rolling in the hay
"Tryst" (NSFW, obviously; M/M human/lion; 536 words)
There's a bit of a power issue here, perhaps, but it's one the characters are actively defying, not playing up.
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