Title: Marshmallow
Author: Mary (
shurimon &
shurifanstuffs on Livejournal)
Fandom & Pairing: Power Rangers SPD, Bridge/Sky
Theme: #4 All Dressed Up
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bridge comes up with a creative solution to the problem of a soiled uniform.
Disclaimer/Author's Notes/Spoiler Warning: Written mostly for
kikos_ai because I luff her so.
The announcement of an unexpected visit from Commander Birdie had left the B-Squad scrambling to find and get into their very-underused dress uniforms.
"Why couldn't he have given us more time?" Bridge complained, tossing clothing out of his closet left and right. "I bet even if I do find it it's going to be all wrinkly, I won't be able to iron it, and that'll just give him an excuse to yell at Cruger some more and call me sloppy again, like he does every time he comes here..."
"Relax, will you?" Sky asked, halfway into his own blue uniform, carefully shining the badge that was to be pinned to it. "Remember, the last time Birdie visited, he came away with a much higher opinion of us."
"Yeah, but now he holds us to an even higher standard than before because of it," said Bridge grumpily, finally finding his green dress jacket in a pile of laundry to be washed... only to groan loudly when he found that there were a few stains on the front of it.
"Uh-oh," said Sky in a low voice. "...I forgot that we used it a few days ago when we-"
"I'm gonna be in so much trouble," Bridge moaned softly, not paying attention to Sky. "What am I going to do? Why did I NOT clean this right away?" Before Sky could reply, however, Kat's voice came over the intercom.
"Commander Birdie's shuttle has arrived at S.P.D.. All Cadets are to report to the transport bay immediately."
"I'll cover for you," said Sky quickly, going over and gripping one of Bridge's shoulders and looking concerned, as it looked like he was about to burst into tears.
"...You will?" he asked nervously.
"Just be ready to go along with whatever story I come up with in case they come by," said Sky, dashing off. "Or even better, come up with an excuse of your own!" Sure enough, when Bridge failed to show up with the other Rangers, both Cruger and Birdie were furious. They also weren't interested in hearing the excuses Sky was struggling to babble at them, which became feebler and feebler as he, Jack, Z and Syd nervously followed the two Commanders back to Bridge and Sky's room, and Sky prayed that Bridge had come up with something-
"Oh, hello, sirs!" said Bridge cheerfully when their door slid open, and all six of the others stared, aghast, at the scene that lay before them. He was covered head to toe with globs of some sort of mysterious creamy white substance- as were his bed (upon which his even more-soiled jacket lay), part of his wall, and his computer monitor.
"Cadet Carson, explain yourself," said Birdie icily.
"I apologize for not coming to meet you, sir. I must have lost track of time, because I was testing my newest invention," said Bridge, holding up some sort of device, also covered with white cream. "I'm trying to develop a converter that will make marshmallow crème into a usable fuel, you see. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of bugs to work out." There was a long silence after these words. Sky was trying hard not to look aghast and like he knew exactly what his boyfriend had been doing all along, Z, Syd and Jack were trying even harder not to laugh, and Cruger and Birdie looked stunned.
"...Well," the Supreme Commander finally said, turning to go. "Your apology is accepted, and I will excuse your absence just this once. As long as you are putting your talents to... ah... good use, Cadet. Cruger, we have private matters to discuss, so if you will excuse us, Rangers..." He strode off, and Cruger, uncharacteristically seeming to be at a loss for words, followed. As soon as both were out of earshot, Jack, Syd and Z collapsed with held-back laughter.
"Good save, buddy," Jack choked out, holding his stomach.
"Let it never be said that you are not the most creative person in the world," said Z, patting him on the shoulder.
"Remind me to come to you next time I need an excuse," said Syd, and the three also walked off, in order to change back into their normal uniforms. Sky stepped inside he and Bridge's room, the door sliding shut.
"Marshmallow crème," he said weakly, wanting to sink to his knees with relief. "I cannot BELIEVE he bought that. And that you came up with it so fast."
"My options were basically either that or be honest," said Bridge, going over to cup Sky's cheek with a gloved hand and grin. "And I really didn't want to tell my Supreme Commander that my jacket got stained while I was having a mentally-intensive sexual roleplay session with my boyfriend. So my first thought after that, of course, was to cover it with even more creamy white stuff."
"...This is why I love you," Sky sighed, and the two kissed before he found sticky, leather-gloved fingers unzipping his jacket... tossing it aside... taking his shirt off...
And another use being found for the marshmallow crème.
(crossposted to