(Last update: 5/2/09)
This is the master list of all requests filled for the
Power Rangers Anonymous Fic Meme, G to PG-13 Version. This list is divided by season. Please keep in mind that just because a request has been filled once doesn't that there can't be more replies to it, however- indeed, many of the prompts linked below have 2 or more replies to them.
If a season is not listed, this means there have been no responses pertaining to it.
I will try to keep this list up-to-date; usually updates'll coincide with roundups. If any links are broken or lead to the wrong fic, please comment to this entry (either normal or anonymously, it makes no difference) and I'll fix it ASAP.
Mighty Morphin
Rocky/Adam fluff In Space
Ashley/Karone Lost Galaxy
Leo/Kai early in their relationship (has two responses)
Leo and Kai setting up house (has two responses)
Mike & Leo brotherly love (has two responses)
Kendrix/Maya, settling on the Megaship Lightspeed Rescue
The team gets to know each other with juvenile methods Time Force
Wes/Trip/Katie with a late-night movie marathon (has two responses)
What does Circuit do all day while the Rangers work? Katie/Trip hurt/comfort (has two responses)
Wild Force
Cole and Taylor dating happily Max/Danny- snuggling with Danny's bear getting in the way (has two responses)
Ninja Storm
Shane/Hunter Hunter/Blake, more-than-brotherly love Hunter/Cam early relationship fluff (has two responses)
Dustin & Cam bond Cam/Tori/Dustin snugglefic Dino Thunder
Trent & Conner Friendship Conner & Ethan, unrequieted affection Trent/Ethan, with Trent sketching Ethan Tommy/Anton Mercer hurt/comfort Space Patrol Delta
The B-Squad is forced to snuggle together for warmth Sky/Bridge, Sky realizing his feelings too late Bridge teaches the other Rangers about a Jewish holiday Charlie (A-Squad Red)/A-Squad Pink Bridge & Sky friendship, with a flashback to Bridge's childhood Fluff with Cruger and Bridge The others push Bridge to act on his feelings for Sky Sky/Bridge high school AU Sky/Bridge fluff, with another Ranger hiding to watch them Sweet Boom/Bridge Sky/Z, post-series and post-Jack/Sky Sky and Dru friendship Sky and Bridge snuggle while falling asleep (has three responses)
Sky and Bridge kiss under the mistletoe Commander Cruger catches Sky and Bridge kissing Sky finds Bridge unconscious and... Syd/Bridge Syd/Bridge/Sky Bridge realizes Sky's in love with him Mystic Force
Nick/Vida Young Udonna/Leanbow fluff Phineas and LeeLee's first date Operation Overdrive
Mack & Dax Friendship Tyzonn/Vella fluff The OO team helps Rose relax post-thesis Mack, Will & Tyzonn friendship Team friendship/bonding Jungle Fury
Lily/Fran, with sick!Fran Where do the JF Rangers sleep? Lily/Fran sleepover Lily/Fran apology kiss and making out Pre-season fic of R.J. and Master Swoop bonding The 5 Fingers of Poison bond Pre-series R.J./Jarrod/Dominic Casey getting dance lessons from R.J. Crossovers/multi-season
Conner & Ronny race to see who's faster Bridge and Dax friendship How did Alpha get back to Earth from Mirinoi? (has two responses)
Bridge/Conner Tori & Kira's first date