7snogs Fic: "If You Give A Bridge A Cookie", PG, Bridge/Sky fluff

Aug 11, 2008 11:17

Title: If You Give A Bridge A Cookie
Author: shurifanstuffs
Fandom & Pairing: Power Rangers SPD, Bridge/Sky
Rating: PG
Theme: #7 Milk
Summary: Pure sweet Bridge/Sky fluff. If you give a Bridgey a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk to go with it...
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, I'm just borrowing them to play with.

"Skyyyyy..." Sky hid a slight wince, turning from the doorway of his bedroom to look at Bridge. "Are you going to get something from the synthesizer, by chance?"

"Yeah," said Sky, knowing what was coming next.

"Oh, good. Could you make me a cookie or four while you're there, pleeeeaaase? You know I'd do it myself except I'm kinda tangled up at the minute." This, at least, was true- Bridge was working on some mechanical doohickey and had somehow ended up with his arms and stomach all wrapped up with various wires, effectively binding him to his chair.

"Sure," said Sky with some reluctance.

"You're the best," his boyfriend said. "I'd like chocolate with those little fudgey chips in them, and if you manage to get them to come out nice and warm and gooey I'd love you forever... well, not that I don't already love you forever, because of course our relationship doesn't hinge on whether or not you can bring me warm cookies, it's just that it'd be nice-" He shushed when Sky pressed two fingers down on his mouth. Bridge gave him a sheepish smile before there was a flicker of passion in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to suck on Sky's fingers briefly, indicating that perhaps more gratitude could come later. That was more than enough motivation for Sky to go and wrestle with the synthesizer, which he wouldn't do for anyone but Bridge, as he found the thing nearly-impossible to work right. However, after a lot of pressing of buttons, re-recycling the matter from various failed attempts and swearing inside his own head, Sky did get Bridge's cookies to come out just the way he wanted. Pleased with himself, he came back to their room, laden with the treat and the bottle of water he'd gone out to get in the first place.

"And no, before you ask, I'm not feeding them to you," Sky said, setting the plate down and making Bridge laugh.

"Of course not. You made enough of an effort just to get them, I can tell. Thanks," Bridge told him, and Sky nodded, going to sit down on his bed and go back to the book he'd been reading. However, it wasn't long before...

"Skyyyy..." Sky let loose a heavy sigh before he could stop himself, lowering his book to see that Bridge had crumbs and melted chocolate smeared all over his mouth. "I probably should've asked before you went the first time... could you get me some milk? Pretty pretty please with sugar on top? I forgot how thirsty these things can make me..."

"Alright, alright," said Sky, unable to disguise his annoyance, and he got up and left the room before Bridge could apologize, returning a minute later with a large glass full of milk, which he set down before going to lie back down and read.

"I love you!" Bridge said, pouting when he didn't reply. "I really, really do." He got another sigh in response. However, Sky couldn't stay annoyed at Bridge for too long, especially because he could hear his boyfriend greatly enjoying the rest of his treat. He soon lowered his book, then had to shake his head, because Bridge was now very messy indeed.

"You're not neat," he informed him, and Bridge stuck his tongue out. Getting an idea, Sky got up once more and went over to Bridge, carefully brushing cookie crumbs off the front of his jacket... before moving in closer, kissing the side of Bridge's mouth, sucking and licking up the chocolate, crumbs and milk moustache. His boyfriend giggled, setting down his glass of milk and disentangling himself from the wires enough to wrap his arms around Sky in return. Sky slowly and carefully licked up every last bit of cookie from Bridge's face, ending with a full kiss on the lips, which Bridge returned with great enthusiasm.

"I suppose I'm forgiven for being annoying?"

"Always," said Sky. "Next time, it's on you to get the cookies, though."

"Fair enough," Bridge smiled.

(Crossposted to 7snogs)

bridge/sky, *7snogs, slash, fluff, fanfic: spd

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