(no subject)

Apr 02, 2006 11:32

This is an expanded and clarified version of the rules already present on the Power Rangers fic and kink memes, put up separately in an attempt to make the posts themselves more streamlined and so you don't have to scroll past my tl;dr every time you want to get to the good stuff. Hopefully this will spell out all of my policies, but if there are still questions, my contact information is below.

-This meme is for ALL SEASONS OF Power Rangers. Pretty obvious. That means requests can be made for any and every series going from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, right on up to whatever the currently-airing series is (right now, R.P.M.). It's also fine to request crossover pairings or situations- we've had several requested and even answered. So don't be shy.

This also means that you should expect spoilers. When a new season premieres, or a new Ranger or major character is introduced, people tend to go nuts requesting for them, so if you're spoiler-phobic, it might be prudent to just avoid the memes until you've seen the latest episode.

-ANY pairing (for smut or 'shipper fic) or situation (for genfic) is acceptable. Yes, this includes slash (as in homosexual pairings- male/male or male/female) and three or moresomes for smutfic. If you find such pairings objectionable, then don't read them. But you may also request het or whatever is more to your personal liking.

-ANY kink is acceptable, too. Here's a nice list of kinks if you want some ideas. This also means that some fics do contain potentially triggering content such as sexual consent issues or rape. Because of this- I do reserve the right as mod to screen responses if a sufficient number of people have a legit reason to object to them. I'm not talking about a bunch of anons going "OMG SCREEN, I HATE THIS PAIRING" or "Your Kink Is Not OK", I mean if somebody finds a response genuinely distressing or triggering, I have no problem screening it.

-More than one response to a request is acceptable. It's also fine to request a pairing and/or situation that's already been asked for, or even one that's already very common within the fandom in general. Few things drive me more nuts than when people come to a kink meme and respond to requests with comments along the lines of "lolol this has already been done before, here are links". People come to kink memes for shiny new porn, not sloppy seconds, mmmk?

-Please try to make one request per comment, so as to make things less cluttered and make responses easier to find. This should be self-explanatory. I will not object at all to people making multiple requests at once, as long as they are in separate comments; it simply makes it easier for me as a mod to add them to the master lists, and easier for readers to simply click on a thread without having to guess at which pairing they'll find underneath.

-Don't be an ass. This should be self-explanatory, but judging by some snarky and downright nasty comments left by bitchy anonymice in the past, it's not. So I will spell it out plainly- DO NOT. BE. AN. ASS. This includes making fun of peoples' pairing choices (e.g., "God, how can you like that pairing, nobody does!"), interpretation of a character (e.g. "Nobody sees [character] as straight!"), kink choices, whatever. Peoples' kinks and favorite pairings are their own. This meme is a safe space in that people can and should be able to come here and comfortably and anonymously request and write for whatever they want, whenever they want, without people being jackasses to them about it.

I, for example, find mentor or teacher/student pairings to be extremely squicky, but that does NOT give me free reign to go to people who request those and tell them they're OMGWRONG for wanting it. If we start screening or driving off things one anon doesn't like, then we might as well not have a kink meme at all.

To put it another way: DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ, DON'T COMMENT.

Although the memes aren't as active as they are in the past, I AM still watching them. I receive every comment that is made to either meme, and I tend to get very grumpy, surly and bitchy when I get the notifications only to see that it's just someone being a jerk. Don't do it. You will be snarked at and screened.

-As an extension of the above: You are not the meme comments police. I, Shurimon, am the mod of this meme. If there are any issues, I will handle them under my own account names, shurimon or shurifanstuffs.

If you want to make a smart remark, don't. Any anon who claims to be speaking for me, is not. Any anon who claims to know what I'd think or do in any given situation, does not. In other words: If modly-sounding directions do not come from one of those two accounts, then they are not from me, and you should take them with a grain of salt.

-The mod doesn't control what or how often people post here. Repeat: I DO NOT CONTROL WHAT OR HOW OFTEN PEOPLE POST HERE. Much as I would like to see a wider variety of pairings being requested or written for, and a better request-to-response ratio, there ain't a whole lot I can do about it. I've tried closing new requests in the past, but this didn't help the problem at all. I myself can only write so much, and I'm very limited in the number of seasons I feel comfortable writing. I'm sure others are in the same boat.

I know some kink memes allow people to out themselves as the writers of fics or requesters, too. This meme is not one of them. I have no control over what happens to stuff that gets posted here, of course, but for me, it kinda defeats the whole purpose of commenting anon if everyone knows who wrote it (i.e. if someone simply reposts a story they've written before, or goes and crossposts what they just wrote to their fic journal/FF.net et al). I won't delete stuff that IS crossposted, however, mostly because I'm just not a big fic-reader and probably won't even be aware of it. xD

I need to contact the mod! How?

Scootch over to this post if you have questions, comments, or issues. All comments are screened for your convenience.

kink meme

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