[Fanfic 100 Prompt][Hetalia] "Family"

Feb 07, 2011 21:37

Title: "Family"
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character: America (aka Alfred F. Jones)
Prompt: #24 Family
Word Count: 567
Rating: PG-13
Summary: America shares a "cherished" moment with his states of the mountain west.
A/N: Total crack. I was bored and this is what came out. I wanted my states to interact in a non-serious manner. Wanted to play with the personalities of ones that haven't made it into any of the stories yet.
Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me.

“What I wouldn’t give to get in SoCal’s pants.”


“Don’t look so embarrassed Utah, Miss Couldn’t-Become-A-State-Until-I-Outlawed-Polygamy.”

“Besides we all know what goes on down in the Four Corners.”

“Montana! Don’t say things like that!”

“Why so offended Wyoming, is it because I’m insisting Colorado is getting it on with New Mexico?”

“Wow, I must be a lucky guy then. Ow, not nice little sister!”

“Then stop being such a pervert, New Mexico.”

“Why do I even come to these dinners?”

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Idaho.”

“Alright everyone, chill out please.” Eight sets of eyes fell on America, their leader.

“Yes Fed.” they answered. It was one of the many monthly dinners that America would have with his states. It was way too difficult to gather all fifty at once unless it was a major holiday or something really important was going on, but America liked to visit them regionally. He would cycle through each region and tonight it was the Mountain West. States created out of rowdy miners, ungovernable cowboys, and miles and miles of wilderness always made for a good time.

“I’m going to go work on the buffalo burgers.” said Wyoming escaping from the room. Colorado following insisting that he needed the help.

“Now the food is gonna burn ‘cause they’ll be too busy making out!”

“You’ll shut up if you know what’s good for you Montana.”

“Bring it Centennial State!”

“I’ll be sure to.” There was a disbelieving noise from Montana’s direction. Idaho rolled his eyes at his neighbor’s antics.

In an attempt to change the subject he turned to Nevada, “So how does Northern California feel about you getting into SoCal’s pants?”

“Idaho!” protested Utah to no effect.

“You know big bro NorCal, he’s not too happy about it. Can’t help that she likes to come to Vegas. I’m going to get her next time.”

“Can we change the subject Mr. Sin City, I don’t need to hear you guys go on about getting into each other’s pants.”

“Alright Fed, should we ask about who’s pants you’re in. ‘Cause I can think of a few possible candidates.” Nevada raised a hand and begin ticking off nations on his fingers. America got steadily more and more red. Arizona skipped over and threw her arms about the nation.

“Leave him alone Nevada.”

“Now who’s a Daddy’s girl.”

“Proud of it.” she said hugging him tighter, not doing anything to relieve America’s embarrassment.

“Hey, Arizona, you want in with me and SoCal?” Nevada received a glare for his trouble. “What about you Utah, you can join my harem. After all you like polygamy.”

“My entire state does not like polygamy, there’s just that one group! At least I don’t have UFO freaks... often.”

“Low blow lil’ sis’.” whistled New Mexico pushing back his baseball cap, “Too bad Nebraska isn’t here, he would defend my honor.”

“Big Brother Nebraska wouldn’t help you.”

“True, but he would make this night even more interesting. In fact we should get the west coast.”

“Let’s not and say we did,” said Colorado coming back into the room, “California practically invaded me.”

“Which one?”

“Both of them.”

“Hey guys, dinner’s ready!” shouted Wyoming from the back porch. There was a collective cry of “yes!” as everyone filtered out leaving America alone in the living room. He shook his head.



So there is a lot of state jokes in here.

*Utah was prevented from joining the Union for several decades because the Mormons that controlled the state wanted a clause in their state constitution that allowed for polygamy.
*Nevada is home of Las Vegas, other than bomb testing it's really all I ever hear about Nevada, so my head tells me that the city defines him to a degree.
*I separated California into North and South. I think the two parts of the state are different enough to warrant two different people, thus SoCal and NorCal. SoCal is female and NorCal is male.
*For those that don't know the four corners is where the states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado meet. It is the only place in the United States where four states meet in one place.
*Arizona was formed from New Mexico territory during the Civil War, so in my head canon they are one of the few pairs of states that are related.
*In my head the states would call America, "Fed" for Federal, since he represents the Federal government and the entire country is a fail attempt at Federalism. Better effort than the ancient Greeks gave it though...
*My reference to the Californian invasion of Colorado had to do with a movement of industry and it's a joke here in CO. Basically in the mid-90s a lot of Californian industry moved to Colorado bringing with it a movement of Californians to the state. In fact that is how my family got to my beloved adopted home-state.

I think that covers most of it... I stink at notes like these. It would probably be a really long post for me to explain all of my head canon about the states. If anyone ever wants to know exactly how I see them in pure description I would be glad to give it to you. The mountain west is the group of states that I know the best and have the most solid head canon for.

hetalia: state-tans, character: utah, character: nevada, character: america, character: new mexico, fandom: axis powers hetalia, character: nebraska, character: colorado, fanfic100 challenge, character: montana, character: wyoming

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