Mar 28, 2011 03:04
- 10:04:02: Good morning, world!
- 10:10:26: I'd just like to announce that I'll be taking my talents to breakfast. ^.^
- 10:10:41: @ tealfox *yerfyerf!* ^.^
- 10:18:46: @ tealfox Well, Sausage... But your foxy senses were close! ^.^
- 10:27:20: @ rifkafox @tealfox It's basically bacon... Just round and without the crunch. ^.^
- 10:32:42: @ tealfox My brain already went there. ^.^
- 10:33:43: Original Space Rum:\
- 12:01:30: Bonus! ^.^ Fox movie on TV.
- 13:40:30: @ christheorca There aren't a lot of movies about foxes, you know...
- 15:12:10: @ CaliFolf Not far from where I grew up! ^.^
- 17:01:49: RT @foxmanual: Allowing your fox to play Minecraft can result in poorly planned structures and corrupted maps.
- 18:26:55: RT @ActionChick: The Room: woman delivers news "i've got breast cancer" with the same tone she'd say "I made cookies!"
- 18:28:44: RT @bsdfortune: The program isn't debugged until the last user is dead. #quote
- 18:30:31: Crossed four books off my reading list today... I don't know if it matters that that two of them were comics. ^.^;;;
- 18:35:18: I'm watching NOVA S38E16 (via @gomiso)
- 19:29:42: I'm watching Fringe S03E15 (via @gomiso)
- 19:30:27: @ tealfox I've been craving sushi... Maybe next weekend. ^.^
- 19:33:12: They need to use that 80s Fringe opening more than just once a season. ^.^ #toomuchwin
- 19:36:15: "The Red Lantern isn't supposed to be green!"
- 19:47:34: Beta Max, FTW!
- 20:20:22: I'm watching Sons of Guns S01E07 (via @gomiso)
- 20:24:52: @ Grimmroth Wish I had a tub like that... I'd take more baths! ^.^
- 20:27:07: @ Rikoshi Had the same thing happen to me, last time I was sick. =P When I woke up the next morning, tho, I was like new.
- 20:27:21: @ sMylekitty I do, but not that size.
- 20:45:08: I'm watching Chopped All-Stars S01E03 (via @gomiso)
- 20:46:35: @ FuzzWolf2000 Not really. There are plenty of times when I just want to be alone.
- 20:50:31: @ FuzzWolf2000 Even better if you have the right music. ^.^ Nothing like being alone on the road. Especially at night.
- 20:51:43: @ tealfox Looks like chawan mushi. ^.^ Never tried it, before.
- 20:59:07: "Teddy Roosevelt was also a way better rapper." #outofcontext
- 21:02:30: @ natev2 It's all good. ^.^
- 21:03:00: @ tealfox I knew all those Iron Chef reruns were good for something! ^.^
- 21:08:27: @ natev2 Blame the UI! ^.^
- 21:10:17: @ natev2 User Interface. ^.^ The "Unfollow" button was in a bad spot, in other words.
- 21:26:48: @ OchotonidKnight I still prefer electric blue. ^.^ #itsmynaturalhaircolor
- 21:42:08: I'm watching The Ricky Gervais Show S02E10 (via @gomiso)
- 21:54:10: @ KiyoTheHusky Bears. ^.^ Hungry bears, stealin' my foods. #foxlogic
- 22:07:10: Peacock feathers!
- 22:07:41: @ smashwolf ...because they're not foxes? ^.^
- 22:08:08: I'm watching Sealab 2021 S01E09 (via @gomiso)
- 22:19:47: I'm watching Superjail S01E00 (via @gomiso)
- 22:30:45: Z!
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