1. a picture of you not sober.
2. a picture of the last thing you ate
Fifth monthiversary celebratory dinner....of lemon thai
3. a picture of the last thing you drank.
Apparently there is thai iced tea (not goldfish juice) in that bag
4. a picture of you on one of your birthdays.
5. a picture you edited.
This was absolutely in no way subject to editing.
6. a picture of your crush/[GIRL]friend
7. a picture of your mother.
Obama and my momma
8. a picture of something you do a lot.
9. a picture of you in a different city/state from where you live.
New Yawk
10. a picture of a tattoo you have/want.
This is engraved on my body.
11. a picture of a celebrity you like.
12. a picture[s] of piercings you have
13. a picture of something you want right now
14. a picture of something you collect.
I have a problem.
15. a picture that means a lot to you
16. a picture of a friend or family member that lives far away
I'll have none of this Carolina bullshit
17. a picture of one of your pets
18. a picture of your favorite alcohol
19. a picture of your favorite band's logo.
Blueberry Boattttttt
20. a picture of something you're allergic to.
Frat boys
21. a picture of the career you want
22. a picture of somewhere you wish you were right now
I want to go on study abroad RIGHT NOW
23. a picture you drew
24. a picture that brings back tons of memories.
25. a picture of something you really hate
26. a picture of your favorite store
27. a picture of someone you look up to
My boy Immanuel
28. a picture of something you do every day.
Have blinding insights
29. a picture of something you're wearing.
30. a picture of a product you like.
31. a picture of a show you like that got cancelled
32. a picture of your favorite old movie
33. a picture of a current problem in your life
34. a picture of your favorite game
35. a picture of someone with the same birthday as you.