Age: 25
Height: 6'4"
Weight: --god I don't know but he's a fucking tank. Seriously. Sam Winchester is gigantic and ripped.
Eyes: Hazel.
Hair: Brown.
Medical Info: Antichrist. He has demon blood, and I have no idea if that shows up medically? BUT HE IS NOT 100% HUMAN.
Physical traits: FUCKING TANK. Like, seriously. I am having trouble fitting his shoulders in icons. Mostly he is REALLY TALL and REALLY BROAD and has a freakish, cro-magnon skull. For serious. Also, tattoo over his heart to ward off demon possession, and a lot of scars, I'm sure.
What's okay to mention around her: If you know things about Sam, he is going to be SUSPICIOUS and possibly aggressive. So I can't think of anything that absolutely cannot be mentioned, but MENTION AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Abilities: Used to have visions of people dying, but that seems to have calmed down. Various other psychic abilities, of which we are not currently fully aware. Can exorcise demons with his brains, has some telekinesis, feats of strength when Dean is in trouble needed. UH. Yeah, we are not totally sure what Sam can do yet. GO ANTICHRIST GO.
Notes for the Psychics: Is a psychic! But not a mind-ready one. Mostly thinks about: DEAN DEAN DEAN also being the Antichrist, the apocalypse, his parents, his dead girlfriend, probably Sam's brain is not a very cheerful place.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Generally yes, but please ask first!
Maim/Murder/Death: DEFINITELY ASK FIRST. I'm not totally opposed to it, but I'd have to make sure Dean was down with stuff, etc. SAM GETS KILLED SOMETIMES IT'S COOL HE'S USED TO IT.
Kissing/Hugging: He is pretty irresistible. I MEAN. Go ahead!
Cooking: ...takeout?