Title: Lost and Found
shutterbug_12Characters: Danny/Jordan
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Only borrowing. Make love, not lawsuits.
Summary: Jordan loses. Danny finds. Sort of.
Author's Note: Post-series. 100 words. For
tokyo_girlie, who asked for "L is for Lost" in the
alphabet meme. Feedback and concrit is love.
"I can't believe--" Jordan upended her purse; make-up and pacifiers skittered across the table.
"Jordan." Danny ducked to avoid a tiny sandal. A plush seahorse. "It's fine."
"I lost it! It's hot. The sun will be--she needs it!"
"Jordan!" When she faced him, he pulled a small, polka-dotted sunhat from his pocket.
She pointed. "That's--"
"A back-up."
"You"--she blushed and swiped the hat from him--"really are a control freak."
He smirked and kissed her forehead. "You're welcome."
As he pulled away and started toward Becky's crib, he noticed the rise of Jordan's smile--warm, beautiful, and sweeter than words.