Title: From Real Love
Fandom: Jet Set Radio Future
Pairing: Beat/Yoyo, mentions to Beat/Gum
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: substance abuse, strong language
Summary: For Beat, life was all about taking risks. But when you grow up, you can't always live such a care-free life. So he plays it safe and loses the most precious thing in the universe.
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Comments 4
Bunches of love, as always~
but I do agree that the "From Real Love" idea was pretty cute. I just wish I coulda executed it a little better......
You're truly a brilliant writer. I was so excited when I saw that you'd posted another fic.
it's funny because this story was supposed to have a happier end, but when I got down to it, I saw that this was really the only way. I may do an alternate ending someday, just to see if I can, but for now, I think it's better this way. ♥
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